
Do u like cats?

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Do u like cats?




  1. I don't like them,

    I LOVE THEM!!!!!!

    It's too bad my mom hates them even though she had alot of cats at her house when she was young.

  2. I love any kind of cat, from small domestic pets to the big cats, like tigers!

  3. yes my cat had 3 littlers ok kittens

  4. Yes...I have 9 of the little furballs

  5. no no dislike dislike

  6. Yes, I have two.

  7. Yes, I love cats and kittens!

    I have one kitten right now, she's just the most cutest darn little thing.

    But kittens and cats need to be taken care of properly, especially when they're babies.

  8. NO...they seem truly evil and just..evil!

  9. Yes, I have one about 6 years old and he's so adorable!

  10. Yes I have one!!  Meow! :)

  11. i love cats, far more then dogs, but my parents wont let me have one:(:(

  12. Yes, i totally love cats, I'm actually trying to get one know.

  13. only SOMETIMES. lol.

    Depends on her cute factor that day.. =]

  14. I like cats, just not their hair when it sheds off! lol!

  15. I love them!! They are so cute, and adorable!!

  16. yep they are SO cute ^------^ LOVE dem!

  17. love them!!!! they are my fav pet!!!!!

  18. I HATE cats!!! I used to have one and it always caused problems, whether it was turning my coffee table into its own personal scratching post or taking a nice warm dump on my new carpet it always ticked me off!!! So i gave it to my sister.

  19. Yup! Always have.

  20. Yes. My cat Shredder is my buddy.

  21. I honestly don't like them at all.

  22. Yes, I do...I love cats...sometimes thier mess is a little irritating though...

  23. Yes, do you? What is the point to this question?

  24. LOVE LOVE LOVE them, I am blessed with three....Lexi, Chai and Boo !  meow

  25. yes they are ok i perfer dogs better though

  26. no. but only because they irritate my skin

  27. Love em :)

  28. Um... I am allergic! :[

  29. LOVE kittites!!!  I only have one now. :(  I had to put her brother to sleep (9 years old) in May of this year.  I'm thinking of getting her a kitten, b/c she's never been by herself and seems lonely.

  30. Yes!!!  I have a cat that is like my child.  I would do anything for her!!!  I also love dogs!!

  31. Yes i love cats.  I had a cat called Lucky that i had since small and someone poisened it on the 19th.  My cat never wondered far from home and didnt stay out for long.  Dont know how humans can be so cruel to animals, dont they think how devestaded the owners wld be and miss their animals.

    Viva for cats, the cleanest pets to have.
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