
Do u like chips or not and why ????

by  |  earlier

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  1. *Like ?...I love them !!!!

    But can't eat too much ...... bad for health !!!

    Too much carb, salt, fat etc , etc, !!!!!

  2. i love them because......there tasty

    cheetos flaming hot

  3. Love those little weight gainers!!!

    Not there fault I can't just eat one! I love hot Cheetos with nacho cheese all over them. Hot melty and good!

  4. Hmmmmm, seems to be a minor, and amusing communication issue:  Chips, to those of us mostly outside the US, are what you call 'fries'.  Crisps come out of a packet (yuck in any form for me), and if we are talking chips, thick cut and cooked at home, with a little salt or chip shop curry sauce.  Gravy is too bland!.

    I can feel my arteries hardening just thinking about it!

  5. nothing better than home made chips because you know in what kind of oil they are fried and if you served them with crispy Bacon and rasped Parmesan on them then you have the best snack ever for beer or white wine!!!!!!!try it and then choose your best answer

  6. Since my trip to the UK, I can no longer have gravy on mine, it has to be the chip shop curry sauce, I buy it in packets here in Canada from a UK foods store.

    When I worked in Quebec Canada and live down the street from a number of poutine palces it was hard not to have it once a week, but the cheese curds and gravy/sauce make them a bit to high calorie for me now, so I an froced to either use malt or cider vinegar now.

    I cannot eat the other US style "chips" as I allergic to sunflower oil.

  7. I LOVE CHIPS. Because :::::)

  8. I love chips very much because it's delicious!=) Whenever I am bored I eat Chips =) loool

  9. yes, bcause they come in so many different flavos

  10. Definitely

  11. probably when i as younger...chips are too salty now

  12. only tortilla chips. Potato chips are too greasy and salty

  13. i love chips

    cuz they taste good

    but ofcourse if u r weight conscious then u shud hav them limited

  14. I don't like chips because I have an allergy to some of the things that they put into them. When ever i eat them I get a really bad headache, and sometime i puke.....

  15. I HATE oven chips because they always come too dry and shrivelled up like a raisesn , and they always need a ton of salt and tomato sace to taste reletivly good.

    i prefer chips from a good chipper is the best. My favourte chipper is called ' kttle of fih' and it is delish and they even wrap the chips in paper.

    i like chips over all because they are filling,tasty and you can hold them in your hands.

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