
Do u like eating veg

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do u eat veg or dont u




  1. Yes, I do eat vegetables and like eating them.

    I assume your use of the single letter "u" is your way of saying "you" due to the fact that it saves so much space and energy to type a single letter instead of the whole three letters whereas at least 'veg' is an acceptable contraction

  2. Yep I love veg.  I especially love it when I get some random thing in my veg box which I get delivered, which I dont know what to do with!  I had Kohlrabi this week for the first time ever - its really tasty looks weird!

  3. i do i love all veg it is so good for di have given you a star for such a good healthy question.

  4. Yes... I like eating veg....

    I didn't like it cooked much as a child, as mum always overcooked it.

    What she did to sprouts bordered on criminal!!

    I preferred to eat my veg. raw than have it overcooked.  I loved cauli, (crunchy), swede (earthy), cabbage (sweet)  and sprouts have a nice spicy flavour when raw which completely disappears when they're cooked - I still don't eat cooked sprouts.   Although strictly a pulse rather that a veg - freshly shelled peas are delicious! - don't like them cooked much either...

    However, when I learned to cook, I discovered veg.  can taste good when just cooked, rather than boiled to oblivion!  (Sorry, Mum!)  Spinach is a particular favourite - lightly steamed.  I also love other green leafy veg, all kinds of salad stuff and root veg too.

    I'm not veggie tho' -  veg is strictly an accompaniment to a meal - not the meal itself!!  Love meat too!

  5. Yupp:

    Brocolli, Peas, Carrots, Mushrooms, Spinach (POPEYE), Sprouts, Cauliflower, it goes on.....

  6. I love eating vegetables. They taste really really good when their steamed or when you add some seasonings to them. My favorite veggies are corn, potatoes, green beans, lettuce, carrots, and broccoli.

  7. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,


    Sprouts, Peas, Brocolli, Cabbage, Carrots all go down nicely with a Roast Dinner or Stir Fry!!!!


  8. Oh yes vegs of all kinds nice crunchy peppers in a stirfry, turnips with the mash the list goes on

  9. i didn't used to when i was a kid - but i loooove it now!

  10. Nice crunchy brocolli and cauliflower, yummy.

  11. yup ,


    always have

    and tbh i think im turning vegi and i dont know why

    hopefully i wont tho :)

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