
Do u like mikes hard ?

by  |  earlier

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If so, whats ur favorite kind? Mine is Lime.




  1. No, I can't stand it.

  2. Ugh! No! It's like drinking pure sugar. Makes me want to puke well before I am drunk! :)

  3. generally not my drink of choice, too sweet and not enough depth to the flavor.

    But in a given circumstance where you would be given to me/all that is available either the lime or the apple are not all bad.

  4. gives me heartburn for some reason. id rather a blue moon, or just a nice 3 olive martini

  5. it's junk,  why not  drink lemon palmolive instead, lesser chemicals.

  6. It tastes good, but it gives me horrible heartburn! Ouch. No thanks.

  7. Sorry, to much carbonation and sugar for my tastes. I'd rather drop a shot of vodka in a Sprite. Better yet a Shandy...half beer, half lemonade.

    Even better than that a Heffeweizen and a lemon wedge.

  8. yes i do liek mikes products but i prefer the smirnoff brand of malt liquors... nothing like a smirnoff ice original on a hot day in the sun all day.....

  9. Havn't tried it yet.  The light might be good.

  10. I have never tried it.

  11. I like Mike's Hard Lemonade and my favorite is lime also.
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