
Do u like my poem? (please, I need as many answers as possible!) ?

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i posted this on, and as we know, i got scammed... so i dont if it's good or not. tell me what u think please.

"Little Astronaut"

Every day since I was eight,

I had a dream,

That my rocket,

Which is flying to the space,

Would be as speedy as the light beam.

To explore the stars around,

To be on Mars' snowy mount,

To see Jupiter close-up,

And watch a comet pass you by.

My rocket's starting to speed up,

It's time to say to space "goodbye".

I am returning now to home,

I know,

There's much more of space to roam,

And I wake up to go to school,

With knowing that again tonight,

I'll have a dream,

That my rocket will be as fast as light...

Copyright ©2008




  1. i liked it and u know what u write lyrucs/poems for yourself, for ur pleaseure, so just enjoy it,

    feel free to do what u like to do,if any1 doesnt like it its normal, just remember u create them not for some1 to judge, but just for yourself :)

  2. Great job, I really enjoyed it. The rhythm really had me going.

    You should really submit it to and see what they think. I bet you could get a high rating for it on there!

  3. I don't think Mars has any snowy mounts.

  4. Good theme, but the ending was a bit predictable. I also didn't enjoy your word choices that much, some of them were simple and "shallow". but overall, I think it's a fairly good piece.

    with best wishes,

    Lullë Rhymesmith Sonneter Metaphor-coiler

  5. There are only two possible answers.  Yes or No.

    Your poem is Cute.  My answer originally was NO, I don't like it.  But when I made it to the end I liked the twist.  So now my answer is YES.

    Now if you want to know if it is GOOD.  There are a lot of different answers to that question.  

    Conceptually it is good.  I think you loose a little in execution.  Is there Snow on Mars... Just a thought.  I think you force the rhyming in to many spots to list.  But unfortunately that is pretty common, so don't feel bad.  

    Rework it a little, spend more time on the rhymes, I think conceptually you really have something here.

  6. I like the poem very well, maybe you should become a poet or at least put  your poem in print.

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