
Do u like my poem?I wrote it just now

by Guest32103  |  earlier

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Roses Are Red

Diamonds are Shiny

Honey Is Seet

But you aint




  1. that sucks. aint, aint a word and you aint supposed to use it. give up. we are all stupider now just from reading that. go jump in a lake. you are an insult to humanity.  

  2. It's nice XD

  3. omg i almost cried when i read it. i think eeveryone should read it to their bf/gf on a date. The best poem i heard this week.

  4. its nice but its a bit short and it doesnt hav any rhyming and the beat is good at the start but you loose it on the last line.

    i think you should try and make it a bit longer and find the right rhythm!

    good luck! :)

  5. all mixed up

    like roses r red violets r blue honey i love u

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