
Do u like pokemon i love it it's the best?

by  |  earlier

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yes pokemon is the best. I have pokemon diamond and pokemon fired game. And I love pokemon cartoon.




  1. Ever since they kicked Misty out of the show i stopped watching it.

    The series is starting to become really dull.

    It's like the same thing over and over.

    At least when i was a kid it was fresh and new.

  2. whats pokemon?

  3. i hate pokemon

  4. Wait a second, kid sorry for using your page for this but how the heck does someone not know what pokemon is. And the first guy who answered the question how the h**l do you not like anime. Where do you get off. Now I'm not saying pokemon is the best anime, but if thats the only reason you don't like anime, then you need a reality check. And how dare you hate pokemon. All of you need to !@#$%&*!@#$%&*&*$#!@

    Oh and yeah pokemon games rock!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. honestly i dont like anime at all!!

    but if you like it then whateverrr

  6. i hate the cartoon alot! But i still like pokemon games like diamond and pearl!

  7. When I was 6 or 7 everyone in my school was obsessed with it, but now its just stupid.

  8. i used to love it when i was 8. but i don't like it anymore.

  9. yes i like pkmn.. my nephews got me started on it

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