
Do u like rugby game,why?

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Do u like rugby game,why?




  1. No its 2 soft slow and boring. Rugby league is way better in every way

  2. I grew up in South Africa, where Rugby (mostly amongst white South Africans) is a passion. I went to an all girls' High School and the best part of the week was watching the Boys' High School play Rugby every Saturday.  Both my sons play.  I love it.  It's thrilling to watch and nothing gets my heart rate pumping and nerves screaming than watching my Springboks play.  It is a natural high like no other!

  3. i love rugby because you get to smash into people  i very simple

  4. rugby union combines all the best aspects of sport: speed, skill, strength and courage.

    at the grass-roots level it is a game that kids or adults of any size or shape can enjoy as most of the 15 positions require different attributes.

    the ultimate team game, players have to know they can rely totally on those around them and that one player slacking off or chickening out can easily mean failure for all.

    rugby has a huge social side too. players will beat lumps out of each other for 80minutes, then shake hands and buy each other beers afterwards. families get involved with the social side when kids play and many friends are made for life.

    trouble among spectators is virtually unheard of either in the ground or around about. parents take young children to matches in complete safety without any segregation of the fans.

    rugby is full-on, full-bodied passion.

  5. rugby is an excellent game. my favourite sport, i love playing it and there is a great social side to the game aswell, and trouble from fans like in football is very rare.

  6. cause its a proper sport!! lots of lovely grass roots games, (Go Dundee High!!) the best sorts of internationals to showcase the sport (6 nations and Tri nations down south) and if anyone can tell me how you cant love it after such an amazing World Cup!!!

  7. Its a real game, lots of physical contact....and theres no play acting like in football.

  8. A proper sports game, great atmosphere, no trouble, and best of all you can get drunk with the opposition.

  9. Its kind of like war! except nobody dies, and someone win.

    Like you send your army in against the enemy, try tacticts and maneauvers to defeat them, all within the boundries of the games rules. And as a team you really rely on each other, guys of all shapes and sizes sticking together to win the battle.

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