
Do u like the Pittsburgh Pirates, why?

by  |  earlier

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im from Pittsburgh and i know they suck but im still a fan




  1. Never forgiven for beating the Orioles in 1971; on the other hand, Roberto Clemente is my all-time favorite player.

  2. hearken with me now, back to the days when baseball was in it's glory days, 1960, to be exact...the world series that year--you know this--was a yankee-pirate affair and in that last game--you know this, too--bill mazerowski hit that home run--yeah yeah, i know you know this, too.....well, i was an eleven year old yankee fan and ol' wild bill broke my heart. !@#@#$%! and even though roberto clemente was a great great player, i still hated the pirates. Still do today, even though some small degree of maturity has crept into my subconscious, and i know it's irrational to hate a team over what happened 48 years, no, i do NOT like the pirates...but today, i don't HATE 'em, i just don't like em...but you do, and that's all that matters.

  3. I like them, because i live in Indianapolis, IN and we have your farm team here. So many of our players go to your team. Im a Cleveland fan though but im more than happy to holler for the pirates!

  4. I like the old teams. So basically I like the Pirates on principle. But the fact of the matter is they have been poorly run for almost 15 years now. They had very few bad moves recently and aren't being used as the leagues farm system, but if they fail to sign Pedro Alvarez and Tanner Schepps just because of money, it will prove to be business as usual. They have a chance to be truly competitive in 3 years

  5. no, simply because i am an A's fan. i would like to see them have a better year, though, and i love pnc park. its a very pretty park with the roberto clemente bridge behind it.

  6. I used to until I had a terrible experience at PNC Park while there for an Indians/Pirates game. Here we are at a BASEBALL game and even the announcers were making anti Browns comments. Wow - that is seriously classless. After that we said we would no longer go to PNC Park, not even for the interleague series with the Indians, since obviously the people of Pittsburgh do not like Cleveland dollars enough to leave the anti Browns comments out of a BASEBALL game. Do the Pirates suck so badly that even their own announcers have to bash the Browns during interleague play with the Indians in order to make it entertaining for their fan base? Now I have no need or desire for anything Pittsburgh. Go Tribe! (and Browns)

  7. They aren't my number one team, but I've always liked them. Deep history there. Hans Wagner, Chief Wilson, Roberto Clemente, Dave Parker and a host of other great players. Forbes Field was a grand old stadium, too. It is one of baseball's shames that they have let the Pirates become a double A team in the majors.

  8. yah b/c they let aramis ramirez walk to a central competitor.  they should have been able to control him when he was on the team.  and they would have had a player to actually build a franchise around

  9. YES!!!!

    Been a bucco fan since about 2 yr old.

    I know they suck but they are our baseball team.

    Better than some of the cities that do not have a team.

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