
Do u like the food in britain?

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Do u like the food in britain?




  1. yes it has improved greatly from what is used to be . it is no longer boring old stodge. There is many great chefs turning out excellent food.

  2. Never had it before.

  3. yes we do because we is british. but we don't like british food as much as the americans like american food. Have you seen the size of them peoples? jesus webbed. they are one fat country. I heard they have to put bigger suspenders on there cars because normal ones make the car body hit the road. I also heard that they can not get many shoulders because few peoples is fit enough to get in the militree.

  4. Of course - we have such a mix of different cultures, what's not to like!?

  5. What`s not to like about it.?. I agree with life's less threatening.due to the ingress of foreigners in this country we have been introduced to their culinary delicacies.The local curry house has been here for many years and most Brits enjoy a good ruby Murry (curry) There is Chinese restaurants Taiwanese restaurants and many more.I enjoy eating food from these people and i also like traditional british grub.

  6. Its okay but I prefer something with a chilli edge.

  7. Sure

  8. Roast beef is great so is fish and chips.

  9. Whats not to like?  I love food!  I live in London so its very multi cultural but roast beef and yorkshire pudding all the way!!  Rice pudding to follow...b****y gorgeous!

  10. This country has some real nice food and you can't beat fish n chips down your local chippy. I do however think the food in Britain is a d**n rip off, it's always going up in price and it just isn't fair. What's worse is they come up with some of the lamest excuses for doing this and they never put the price back down.

  11. Yeah its good

  12. Most definitely!

  13. yeah its ok i wouldnt eat some meats like the meat from a burger or a hot dog stand eww

  14. Depends what you like. I find there is too much grease and mayonaise in everything..but there is alot of different types of food so somehting for everyone.

  15. Yes.  I think the way that things are made in this country are to cater for everyones wants and needs, for example all the different sections of foods in the supermarkets.  Working in a supermarket I see people of different backgrounds buying food from all different ranges so its there for everyone to enjoy not just English food aimed at the English etc etc etc if you go to the right places you can find some amazing foods and compared to other countries I don't believe you can find better versions other then the national dishes!

  16. i am british and love the food.if you ever go foreign sure you cant wait to get back home for proper food and drink.

  17. Yes.

  18. YES!

    that's why we eat it?

    the choice is so varied

  19. I have to.Or i'd starve.

  20. When it's good, it's very, very good.

    When it's bad it's HORRID!

  21. I like the food from other cultures in Britain but I don't like British food-it's bland and tasteless.

  22. Well I'm from the US and my hubby is from England.  We have both visited each other's countries many times.  Now, in America, we are well known for overdoing things, and that's probably why I think a lot of British food is too bland and he thinks a lot of American food is too rich.  Really depends on what you're used to, and maybe I just didn't eat at the right places in England.  All I know is I ordered the most bland, tasteless, rubbery Filet Mignon while in England.  I wondered the first time I visited, do they know what seasonings are??  But - it really depends on what you're used to :)  And where you eat!  Some of the best Chinese food I've ever had was actually in England, but I don't know if that counts ;)

  23. Not everywhere but I do believe there are some excellent eating places throughout the UK. I believe the standards are steadily improving. I live in the County of Conwy, N. Wales and we have many excellent restaurants and hotels that produce high quality food at a reasonable price. Many compare well with restaurants in London but the price for the food and wine is more acceptable.

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