
Do u like the name Jake?

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does the name jake and jessica sound good together?




  1. like jake...hate jessica

  2. Yes, but Jake is more of a nickname.

  3. i used to think jake was the name for a hot guy but now it just reminds me of the creepy nerd who follows me around.

  4. I don't really like the name Jake at all.  I like Jackson (Jack) a lot better and that also sounds good with Jessica

  5. I like the name Jake and yes, Jake and Jessica sound great together! =)

  6. yes they do sound good together

  7. Yeah it's very nice.  I would use it as a nickname for Jacob though.

  8. i love the name Jake.  for twins, i do not names that start with the same letter. also, jessica is way overused and getting very old.

  9. i think Jake is a fine name and yes the 2 go together well.

  10. I really like the name Jake.

  11. Love the name Jake! Jessica and Jake sound great together!

  12. I love the name just Jake or as a nickname for Jacob.

    Jake and Jessica..sounds like siblings, or twins i guess.

    sounds alright. im not a fan of "matchy" names.

    since i see that your ID name is Jessica, can i assume this is a BF?

    at any rate i like both names just fine.

  13. I love the name Jake!!!  That's my sons name.  Jake and Jessica do sound good together  

  14. It's okay...

    The combo is okay...

  15. actually

    the guy i likes name is jake

    so yess i do like it lol

    and yes they sound good together (:

  16. Yes they do! Jake is my alltime favorite male name! I can see it in all stages of life, too. Jessica is more of a little girl name but it would work, it's cute.

  17. yeah Jake and/or Jacob are cool names

  18. i absolutely love it.  i suggest go with jacob and jessica and use jake and jess as nicknames

  19. Yes they do. Although Jake is getting a bit too common for my liking, but still good.

  20. Yes i like a boy named Jake so yes but Jessica sounds like a spoiled brat

  21. Jake is overused

  22. i think it goes well:)

  23. ya i really like them together :)

  24. I think that they go fine together

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