
Do u like these names?

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These names are my friends and I names. (we are 13 by the way)!!!! Okay do u like Jillian its pernounces jill e an. The next one shaffer its pronounced shay ffer. My choir teacher thought I was a boy because of my name it hurt my feelings. TELL THE TRUTH thankyou for answering!!!




  1. Jillian is a girls name! Of course it is and it was very tactless and hurtful of your choir teacher to insult your name like that.

    I personally think you have a lovely name.

    Hope I Helped :)

  2. I like Jillian, but it's a little old fashioned... I really like quirky, unusual names...

    Which is why I LOVE Shaffer!!! Its different, but it's really pretty sounding! I wish I had a cool name like Shaffer...

    My parents named me Madeline. When I'm old enough I'm going to change it to "Madilyn" because it looks cooler, LOL.

    But don't let people like your choir teacher let you down. She probably didn't intend on hurting your feelings, but she should have said "When I say your name, raise your hand." Or something like that.

    Hope this helps and makes you feel better!



    Oh, and I was SO not kissing up. I really do like your name!

  3. ive heard jillian before......its ok. and i never heard shayfer before but its not bad at all just not my taste

  4. They are different, but pretty names

    The spelling does kinda mess up the way it sounds, but just think you are one of a kind and spacial no matter what  

  5. Nice, i always get mistaken for a boy before people meet me. I'm called Robyn pronounced like Robin Hood.

  6. I have always liked the name Jillian.

    I typically like more unusual names, though......Shaffer is an AWESOME name!!!

    I know it seems weird right now and sometimes you wish you had a more "normal" name, but one day you will learn to love your name!!  It really is a great name, but most people don't like their name when they are young, especially if it is unusual or draws attention from others. Trust me......someday you will be so thankful that you have the name that you do!!!

    (we are naming our daughter Salem Kaine)

    = )

  7. OK I LOVE JIllian my daughter is named that!

    I HATE shaffer! It is a Boy name. Ur mom didnt think about that did she. She must be namd George or Bob? i mean she liks boys names so much. Is ur sistur namd Hari? just sayin the truth! Everyone else is just KISSING UP!!!!!! They are lieing to you!


  8. Those are great names!  You should be proud you parents gave you a good, unique and strong name.  There are some really bad names out there.  I am sorry your choir teacher hurt your feelings, she shouldn't have said that to you, it was rude of her.

  9. i like both names. Shaffer is a cool, unique name.

  10. I don't really like Jillian. It reminds me of Janelle and I don't like either of those names, really.

    I like Shaffer, if you pronounce it how it's readers, like Shaff-her. Not shay-fer. Don't worry though. My name is a boy's name and I get lots of confusion about it.


  11. I like it. Mine is Megan and I wish I had one more unique.

  12. Jillian sounds like a girl name. Shaffer sounds like a shed. :[ Not to be mean. I don't mean anything mean at all. :)

  13. Yes, Jillian is nice.  

    Your choir teacher is stupid because it's a boy when it's spelt Jullian - so he can't read!

  14. Those names are pretty.

    Mine is Shadoe, so I like how yours are also unique.

  15. i love the name shaffer. i haven't heard that before and i think it sounds really unique. it kind of reminds me of skander and i love unique name :)

  16. jillan is nice

  17. Shaffer is a cool name
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