
Do u like to shaving?

by  |  earlier

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dam im 16 in school so i HAVE to shave i hate it and then when i dont shave it i get sac (thats where we go when we get in trouble its like one class and we just to stay there all day skool hours)

I HATE IT and im going to have to do it again in the morning and if i do it right now (its 10:40pm right here) i feel weird in the morning





  1. I love to shave! I've been shaving almost everyday since I was 9 years old! It's honestly one of my favorite things to do!  And I love the way my legs feel after I shave them!  :]

  2. well im sorry you feel that way.

  3. you have to shave for school? i hate it, although i have never shaved a face before,  its just a face girls have a lot more to shave, and if a guy skips sometimes no big deal sometimes its even cute. but if we go a few days without shaving its gross.

  4. WAX PLS.

  5. hahaha, i hate it too!

    it takes forever, it grows back WAYY to fast, and it grows back even hairier and faster than before!

  6. I f*cking hate shaving and I try to avoid it (although you can't avoid the unavoidable).  Anyway, why the f*ck do you have to shave for school?  Your teachers are pedophiles.  File a police report now.

  7. the only shaving i know is when you shave your legs and stuff...

    i've never gotten in trouble for missing a day or two, though.


    i don't think i get what you're saying.

  8. you get in trouble at school for that? my friend, you may not know this, and it may take a while for you to believe it, but i'm sad to say that you live in a cult. run away from ther now! it's different outside of it! run forest, run! sorry about the cult thing, but it would be so much more fun outside of it. you should join us soon.

  9. You have to shave for school? Thats crazy!

  10. im sorry but u will get used to it just make it a daily routine

  11. everyone watch out when you shave, i got a staff infection for it, i went to the doctor today and I'm on medication :/

    just change out ur blade A LOT since you shave so much. and dont let anyone else use it.

  12. I don't like doing it. I'm getting laser hair removal as soon as I can afford it.  
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