
Do u like ur boss?

by  |  earlier

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does he/she likes u?

if not how do u deal with that?




  1. I don't like them because they are irresponsible, liars and manipulative.  They act very nice to your face but they will lie so much to make others look bad and make themselves look good even though the problem is their fault.  However, because I am very good at what I do and they know I can easily leave and get another job, they'll do anything to make me happy.  For example, if I leave work late because of them, they know they will have to pay for a taxi for me to get home.  

    They think they are so smart but everybody at my job knows how they are.  So, at work we will talk about the bad things they did or said and then someone makes a joke about them and we start laughing.  This happens usually everyday I work.  My co-workers make the bad situation turn into something so funny.  That's part of the reason why I like going to work.

  2. I love my boss actually, i meet him everyday n spend the night together having dinner, laughing n saying jokes.

    My boss is my Dad :D, i work with my dad.

  3. Yes, sure!

  4. yes why because i have a job some people don't have a boss to hate as long as i have a job i will enjoy my.

  5. I have never liked my bosses..not sure what that says about me...haha..

    but I have learned that you can't take anything in business have to learn to be an Actor at work and close off your personal wishes, thoughts, feelings....sometimes take the easy way..not always the decision that causes trouble for yourself....learn what stuff your boss is most concerned with..and follow a routine about that keep him/her out of your face.

  6. My supervisor/direct manager is great we are best friends and i consider him as my brother. he's the best manager ever.

    But the bigger boss - the head of department - is an a** i hate him so very much i wish he just dissapear! How i deal with him?! well, i try (my best) to avoid him, but if it happened and he popped in front of me, i just put a wiiiide grin on my face and try not to make a conversation with him cause i'm sure he'll say something stupid 3shan ye7ra2 dammy (and also because he always considers me as a 19 year old girl that is totally new in the job although i've been working for 5 years in this job).

    So, best thing is that i love my job so much and i do it best way, so i have nothing to fear :) and i don't really care about the bigger boss and i don't seak anything from him, i deal directly with my cute supervisor :)

  7. I never really met or even know who is my actual boss but my superior is actually a very reasonable person even though he is not angel, I deal with him pretty well just do what he says and whatever pleases him thats the only way to go on top in life, by making people happy.

  8. Do I have to?  

  9. No and no....why? cause i know a lot!!!!

  10. hes nice,i dont think i have a choice because hes my father lol.

    i work for my dad

  11. My boss right now is my mom, so that means that of course i like her and she of course likes me too lol

  12. No, I don't know and I've been there 4 times longer so I just do my job like I'm supposed to!

  13. I do not care for my boss for many reasons.  She loves me though.  I do not think she realizes how I feel about her and I do not believe in making waves until absolutely necessary.  

    How do I deal with it?  I usually just do my job, and I tell myself that this is not the first place that I work at and it will not be the last.  If anything is to happen for me to lose my job, I am well qualified enough to find another one.  I will not sacrifice my ethics or integrity for my job.
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