
Do u like vampires?

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if so tell me what u like about them and what u don't like about them. got a favourite vampire show u like? examples: (moonlight, dracula, buffy the vampire slayer, etc.). and finally what is ur favourite thing about them?

Here's mine: I luv vampires. They r really cool and so down 2 Earth. I think it's cool how they have vamp-speed. What I don't like about them is that u have tor drink blood and no more food 4 the rest of ur life. And u'll die from 2 much sunlight. My favourite vampire show is Moonlight. And my favourite thing about them is that they can LIVE FOREVER AND EVER! THEY R IMMORTAL! SO COOL! :)




  1. if only you know how hard being a vampire!

    this site will be the first time i will gonna tell to anybody.

    i am not a normal human being. i have realize that i am the kind of living thing that everybody fears.

    i live alone. i dont have any family. my mother died due to illness. and i dont know who is my father.

    i work as an ordinary person in the city. (i live somewhere in Asia). i eat also foods like others also eat. but there is just only time that i will be thirst for blood. i dont know why but any time i feel this it feels like something is pinching my heart and my is like going to explode. and i heard anything voices that i dont know what they are telling to me.

    i dont have a sharp teeth! not like vampires we seen in movies!!!

    one thing i do when i feel this is to drink a blood of animals. i tried to taste a blood of a human and i can say that it tastes good than the blood of an animal. but i am controlling myself not to kill a human and most especially not to drink his blood!

    i only experience twice to taste a human blood. first is when i saw a person who committed suicide by cutting her wrist. i taste it. but i didnt report to the police. what i did is to run away because people might suspect me as a murderer. second, is when i saw a man hangs. its a suicide. as i was desperate enough to taste again another human blood, i incise his wrist and catch the spilling blood in a cup. then i went running away. i heard it in the news that it became a double suicide.

    i know how bad what i have done but at least i didnt kill anyone. both in my experiences in tasting blood was a suicide case. suicide is rampant in my country. and i think both bodies that i have tasted was just a minute dead. meaning the blood i taste is a little bit fresh. i havent experience to kill a person just because of the blood. i know how bad it is and i dont want to do that! i am not a killer nor a criminal!

    i hope this give you a lesson. its not easy being a vampire and dont believe much on movies about vampires. bcuz vampires is not happy being a vampire and they care for human life. they respect and care for others feelings. well, i just said that base on myself.

    i dont know any person who is like me. and i hope theres no other in this world who is like me.

  2. And this is asked in the Anthropology section why...?

  3. That they've become so pop and denatured.  

    Take as examples, the tv shows you list.  All of them basically make being a vampire an easy thing to deal with, all the worst bits easily screened out so that they are just immortals, with a slightly odd life style.  No lasting damnation, no need to kill, just siphon a little blood and get sun screen.

  4. I like vampires particularly the way Anne Rice portrays them in the vampire chronicles and in her movies Interview with a Vampire and Queen of the Damned. Lestat is probably my favorite vampire character mainly because he is the main character in many of her(Rice) novels.  She does the best job in creating  her characters and linking them together. Ive never been a fan of Buffie or some of the crazier popish vampire shows.My favorite thing about vampires is probably the fact of Immortality like you said and never growing old.

  5. No.

  6. Wll, my favorite show is Moonlight which has vampires in it but im not a fanatic about them. i do like the fact that they are always portrayed as tall dark and handsome (my favorite type!lol)like Alex O'Loughlin! but im not obssesed with them.... i dont think i would like to live forever, like they said the only thing that makes life precious is that it could end at any would be interesting though to be able to jump and run like they do!

    if you really like Moonlight...

    here are some fan sites you can visit to get updates on the show.

    also, here are some links you can vote to keep the show ( they havent descided for sure yet whether it is coming back for a second season in the fall so vote, vote, vote!!!) go to the bottom of the page where the copyright date is and you can send feedback on the show

    you can vote at these sites vote here by typing Moonlight in the blank space you can rate the show and all of its actors here vote here

    here are some petition sites

    Remember, Moonlight comes back on CBS Friday, April 25 9:00/8:00 central! Don’t miss it!

  7. you cant imagine your self as   a vampire its so difficult you will suck your friends blood   you will enjoy their flesh me

    i hate them so much they are scary

  8. I love Vampires! I have always been intrigued by the mystery and elegance of them. I love that no matter how corny they are there is always something so seductive about them. In film I have to say the best vampire I have ever seen was Brad Pitt in Interview with a Vampire...I love Anne Rice, amazing. Stuart Townsend was a close second and Dracula in Van Helsing is in 3rd (though not hot he is very charismatic). HOWEVER, my all time favorite vampire is Mick St. John from Moonlight. I think Alex O'Loughling is gorgeous! I am writing emails and voting on everything I can to promote that show to try to get the ratings up. I love it. I love it because it isn't about monsters that go bump in the night...or about talking to demons and ghosts, like it's more recent competitors Angel and Blood Ties. It is a show solely about the mythology of vampires...I would say it is more in the range of an Anne Rice novel. Since I think she writes the best vampire stories I have to say that Moonlight would have to be the best I have seen in this genre. I can't wait to see how it unfolds.

    After Moonlight I would have to say Dark Shadows would be my next favorite vampire show. I also love New Amsterdam, which has the immortal theme but not the vampire one. It's good too.

    Love love love Moonlight!!!

  9. Are you kidding. No such thing as vampires. Only vampire bats.
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