
Do u love surfing??;))?

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Do u love surfing??;))?




  1. i love it. it keeps me sane, if i dont surf atleast twice a week i go crazy, its my relaxing time my "me" time , after a long days of work and school getting out in the water is the best feeling ever you just forget how hard you've worked and let your mind body and soul free of everything. as soon as i get into the water i'm in zen i dont care about the people out in the water, i dont care if its small or big i have fun and thats what it should be, so if you respect you get respect back, i dont understand why some people get soooo pissed when someone takes their wave...your name wasnt on it and the waves are not going anywhere take a chill pill then come back to the water. what happened to da soul surffahs?!

  2. yep....

  3. never tried it..... only channel surfing and internet

  4. I live for it, it is my alpha and omega, if i don't get wet daily I lose it.

  5. hilo girl you right on it,


    small or BIG

    lots of people , no people

    it doesnt matter as long as i have fun with my friends who are body boarders, surfers, body surfers, it don't matter , i dont hate. some people dont understand the stoke anymore

  6. I have never been. I would like to try it some day.

  7. Been surfing almost all my life. Get in the water and forget about everything else. Relax,  be one with nature,  and get in the zone. Big or small waves,  I don't care,  just as long as I can ride. It becomes spiritual. Non surfers can't understand what that means,  and after 30+ years of trying to explain it to them,  I give up. Either you get it, or you don't. And most,  don't.

  8. i for sure love to surf.

    hasnt been too good out in so cal lately. well especially now cause of the fires.

    waters been really mushy and choppy. i get all amped when im on my way there and i get there to find nothing but foamers on the water geting axed wave after wave...

    its been a real bummer.

  9. I dunno never tried it! I doubt I would like it as im such a wimp when it comes to cold water! :P

  10. well, not really.....

  11. the last time i surfed was 1951 and it was fun i guess it still is.

  12. on water no ,on internet yes

  13. yes but not much

  14. sure

    WHY NOT!

  15. Yes.  Do it full time in a professional manner, well surf everyday and teach tourists during the summer months. Live in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.

    Started when I was 12 to surf standing up, 20 years later I still do it. Gave up my job 8 years ago and havent been in a office since.  I surf with a mixed crew, from fancy footed teens to old school wild cats.  All get my respect for doing something they love.

  16. I've only surfed once.

    I wiped, lol

    But it was fun!

    I can't wait till next time.

    The only thing that sucks is getting water up your nose >.<

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