
Do u need a passport to go to Costa Rica if ur planning to live there permanent???

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Do u need a passport to go to Costa Rica if ur planning to live there permanent???




  1. Yes, you need a passport.

    The passport stamp is only good for 90 days, if you wish to stay there longer then 90 days, you need to apply with a Costa Rica consolate, IN PERSON, before you go. There are several consolate/embassy offices throughout the USA... I think there are like 8 total in the USA so you may have to take a road trip.

    You cant work in Costa Rica unless you have a very special and needed skill (you will then get a work visa)... if that is not the case, you will need to prove you have some ongoing source of income from the USA, or a pile of money in the bank.

  2. Yes you will. You need a passport for all international travel regardless of the purpose of your visit.

  3. of course and you need a Visa for live here

  4. You always will need a passport to enter the country. If you want to actually live here many years you will have to ask for residence (theoretically). Nowadays there are a million foreigners living here in Costa Rica (both legally and illegally) so I don't think you will have any problem to settle here.

  5. You will also need a need to do a lot of research on requirements to get work and residence visas to Costa Rica. You cannot just "move" there.    See website below to learn visa requirements.

  6. Yes.  You can't get IN to Costa Rica without a passport, even if you don't ever intend to come out.

  7. Yes you'll need a passport.  It wasn't always this way, but now due to 9/11 and the Patriot Act, you'll need one.  Additionally, your passport will be your primary identification for filing for residency or citizenship.  Both of this processes take a long time and in the meantime you'll use your passport as an ID.  Foreigners may only stay a maximum of 90 days.  Afterwards you have to leave the country for 72 hours before coming back in.  Your passport will be proof of entry date.

    A very useful yahoo group is Costa Rica Living that consists of many people that live or want to live in CR.  It's a great wealth of information and specific to living here.

    One final tip,  during your first 3 months here, go to the MOPT office and get a driver's license.  You'll need a vaild drivers license and .....your passport with the entry date of less than 3 months.  It has to be in your first 3 months, otherwise you have to leave the country for one year before you can request the drivers license again.  No test driving or written test is required, but you are required to take a physical test (vision, pulse, blood pressure, sober...).  These  are multiple place outside the MOPT offices to  take the test and it cost about $10.   Pura Vida!

  8. Yes, you need a passport after 9/11 for traveling abroad and also for entry to CR, Americans also do not need a Visa for vacation travel,  but if you're planning to stay you will need a Resident Card (like the American Green Card), that is pretty easy to get, you'll be able to get in the Costa Rican Embassy in the US ( or when you're already in Costa Rica in the civil registry (in spanish Registro Civil, website is>, you can also get help in the US Embassy in CR (, the paper work and everything takes at least 3 months, so plan in advantage before you move in.

    Costa Rica will be a great place to live

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