
Do u need to a hdmi cable with a directv hd receiver?

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Do u need to a hdmi cable with a directv hd receiver?




  1. Nick said: And I Quote...

    "DirecTV is in a huge predicament. Very soon, in February 2009, Digital Transition is putting them out of business."

    This is nonsense. They have been digital from day one. (Sorry Nick... You've been misinformed)

    And No. You don't have to use a HDMI cable if you don't want to.

    Your receiver has Component Video output's. If you TV was made before HDMI you can use these Output on the back of your receiver. They use RCA's and are color coded, Red Blue and Green. You will have to send audio to your TV and or sound system. after connecting everything you'll be viewing HDTV in no time. You might have to go into the setting of you Sat Box to make sure the output is in High resolution.

    If your TV does have a HDMI connection... I would use it. It is a better connection for most TV sold today.

    One more thing... If your just getting Directv installed. The new HD Receivers come with a HDMI Cable. It's only a short one, but if your TV and Sat box set next to each other. Your set!

  2. Yes, but you don't need to spend a ton of money on expensive cables like monster cables.  You can get much cheaper ones online or at Radio Shack....they work exactly the same as the expensive ones.

  3. DirecTV is in a huge predicament. Very soon, in February 2009, Digital Transition is putting them out of business.

    They may develop a way to become digital, but as of now, the only safe one is Comcast Digital Cable.

  4. It's highly recommended, particularly for HD. But don't buy an expensive one (See the link).

    As to the comment Direct TV is going out of business because it's analog .. no way. satellite is digital already.

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