
Do u really blieve in witchcraft and wizardry???

by  |  earlier

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like black magic....

any1 xperianced in it...




  1. No. Doesn't exist.

  2. If I don't I been wasting allot of my life studying it.And so did my mother grandmother and her mother before her

  3. Yes, I am graduate of the wizard institute of technocery.   I can do fire spell, force bolt, and protection.   No ... wait.   That was just a computer game.  I am so confused.    Am i a wizard transported to the modern age or i am  playing a wizard in a computer game ?   Help me somebody, I need my medication.

  4. No.  

    In fact, I also challenge any person who claims to be able to cast effective spells to cast one upon me.  No, I am not kidding--give it your best shot.

  5. witchcraft? yes. wizardry? no. and there is no such thing are bad magic. its all the same thing, just with different outcomes and consequences. but yes, i have experienced some stuff people might call "dark".

  6. Yes!! It's real my mom knows a witch who can talk to ghosts and spirits. Her sister can transport herself and i can talk to animals!

  7. yes i do.  I am a witch.  I don't use any black magic though due to karmic repercussions

  8. Well, I think people's idea's of thesse things are very scewed from what they really are.

    I have expirianced the workings of black magic, and I only ever perform white magic and grey magic.

    A great book to pick up is the 'The Witch book '

    Its basically an encyclopedia of witchcraft, paganism (neo-paganism) and wicca.

    Also, you might want to jump about a bit on the internet. There are loads of great sites you can visit (here are a few, if your interested)

  9. "Witchcraft and Wizardry" like in Harry potter and other tv shows and movies isn't real. But there is such a thing as witchcraft; like spells and prayers and intentions. There are MANY practitioners and I personally believe that if they think they are doing magic, it should be respected and maybe we should consider that it's true.

    A spell is like a wish or a prayer that you focus on, and sometimes they work. People can say that they work because it's an affirmation, or you make it happen because you believed it would, but they can be good tools to create those kinds of changes in your life.

    Black magick is just when someone does a spell against somebody to hurt them, but most practicing wiccans and pagans think that the negativity that you send out will come back to you, so most people don't do those kind of spells. And a lot of people who say they know how to do black magick don't, and they are just messing around. Most sane people that understand magick wouldn't do that kind of work.

    But I have seen the effects of spells personally, take my word for it or not.

  10. Witchcraft is very real can can be used effectively when performed properly.  If you are looking for some serious results I would recommend

    Best of luck to you dear!

  11. Merry Meet,

    Do I believe in witchcraft? Yes, but that's because I am a witch. Oh, and it does really exist, and to try to dare someone to cast a spell on you isn't the thing to do. That's the equivalent of saying "I bet you won't hit me." Quite immature. Now...first of all there isn't any white or black magick. Energy is energy and it's major distinction when it comes to spells is the intent involved. And yes spells and rituals are similar to prayer however quite different all together. When many pray they ask for their deity to help them out. That's one level of communication. When Witches, Wiccans, and Pagans cast a spell, that's another level because they are taking the act into their own hands and using both their own energies and the energies they so choose to enhance that. And then rituals themselves are another level because they can involve either or both and concentrate the energy to a very high level (depending on how energy is raised), and to a specific direction and goal, and can also (and do usually) involve help from personal deities as well. Magick is very real and very potent. And it is also very important to remember the Rule of Three. What you send out does come back. It's the law of Karma, so I wouldn't advise anything negative. I hope some of this helps.

    Always in Light and Love,


  12. witchcraft is a type of pagan religions. a spell is alot like a christian prayer.

    there is no white or black magick just the intent of the spell

  13. Nope

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