
Do u really have to have good math skill to be a Marine Corp?

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Im 15 now and for sure i want to be a U.S Marine corps. Do I really need to be good at math or just average?




  1. No offense to anyone, but this is one of those questions that is best answered by someone who's been there, done that. Some of this information is wrong. In my experience in the Corps, average math skills should suffice, as previously stated. The only time I remember using some math is during rifle qualification when you need to calculate the wind speed and adjust your rifle accordingly.  

    Contrary to something stated earlier, infantry men do need good math skills. My friends in the infantry are always frustrated by the misconception that grunts are stupid and that the job requires less intellectual skill.

    Also, I don't know what this person is talking about being tested in boot camp for your MOS. You pick your MOS field when you sign the contract, and after MCT they place you where they need you. There is not testing for your job at boot camp. That is all figured out by the ASVAB and you and your recruiter before even shipping to boot camp.

    Basically, the better your math skills, the better your score on the ASVAB. Having a high score will open up more job possibilities, so the higher the better.  

  2. it's a marine,and i don't think so I'm not but i still aced the asvab

  3. It depends on what job you want to do.  If you want to be infantry you probably don't really need to know much math.  If you want to be an engineer or something you better be d**n good at some math lol.  It all depends on what you decide on as your job.

  4.   Average will suffice !   Mortar men may need better than average skills in determining distance, but today even that is figured out by the weapon itself !

  5. Yup. Because you should finish High School... you won't be in the marines forever you know? you need an education to have a life in and when you get out of it. (really gl and I am sure you'll be okay... I dunno how happy ur mom's going to be, but she will want u to follow ur dreams and if any1 else on Y!A tells u otherwise, they are wrong for telling u 2 go against your dreams... as much as I would hate for any1 else to join in any part of a war, it is wrong for me to tell u otherwise.) GL

  6. It depends on what your job in the military (MOS) will be.  If you want to go in to Aviation Electronics, for instance you have to get at least a C in high school Algebra II.  Higher math they're not so concerned with, so long as you get that C in Algebra II and the diploma, and get the appropriate line scores on the ASVAB.

  7. You don't have to be good at math. You just need a high school diploma or a GED.

    Good luck!

  8. You need a HS diploma or a GED..

    No particular level of math is needed to become a Marine..

  9. You need a good asvab.  Math will only help get different jobs.  Like I have data/ comm maintance which requires alot of math skill

  10. You need basic math skills to test well on the ASVAB. If you understand basic Algebra, then you should be okay for the test. In practical aspects for most Marines regardless of MOS, pre algebra math (from 7th/8th grade) will be used at times, ie: if 30 Marines go out to the field and are staying out for 4 days how many MREs should each Marine pack given a Marine eats 2-3 meals a day, simple, every day applications using very basic math that everyone knows. There are certain jobs like NBC that will involve more complex calculations but these are rare to my understanding.

  11. The Marine Corps has a wide range of MOSs (Military Occupational Specialties).  In boot camp, they will test you on various subjects and types of tests and place you where they need you with your skills or lack of them.  Marines are aircraft mechanics, computer specialists, truck drivers, and just about any other skill that you can think of, but they are always Marines.  That is they must be able to fight as well as work.  Fortunately, I never had to fight.

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