
Do u really like the Indians? ?

by  |  earlier

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I mean what do u say about their habitat, their food, their festivals , their styles, their music etc. Dont u think they are too religious ? dont u think they have diferent taste from others?




  1. yea dey cool i guess.!!

    y u wanna know what we think

  2. imao ur a bit deep

    i respect dem

    der human 4 f sake

  3. habitat??? lol, you sound like your talking about animals.

  4. I did until I bought a Dell, after that I was at their mercy whenever I had to call customer service. I do like Kelly Kapoor from the office, but she is not a real person and I would consider her an American of Indian decent. And for the record when you say "real Indians" the belief that Native Americans were called  Indians by Columbus because thought that he had discovered India is false. Back in 1492 India was called Hindustan and not india so "real Indians" were not called Indians. The name Indian or Indio was the name was civen to Native Americans by Columbus but it was actually a great complement. As you know he was an Italian working representing Spain. Because he was Italian his Spanish was less than perfect, and his written log stated that they were Una Gente En Dio (A people in God) because he was quite taken by them, but because Spanish was not his first language he misspelled en dios, as Indios. The name stuck and was later anglacized and became Indian.  

  5. no not really.

  6. they can do w/e they wanna do as long as they don't bother me

  7. I would say that there is something beautiful about the native way of life.  There is something serene and instinstinctual.  Do not think that what you experience as an outsider is even close to the reality of it.  I don't think the newer generations are religious enough and will eventually lose thier culture and language.

  8. All that stuff makes every religion/culture different.

    Some are very religious and others aren't, it just depends on their family and where they are from.

  9. every culture ,nation,religion...are different from each other..thats why

    its called of cource they would be different coz they are culture.

    strange question!!!!!

  10. Everyone has different taste from others! =)

    As a culture, they've got a VERY interesting culture, and from what I've heard, India is a beautiful country. I tried their food once and I didn't like it too much, but it was very interesting to see how my friend made it.

    Them? Too religious? Every religion has its too-religious people. It's not just people from India.

    They aren't too much of anything, they're different but not in a bad way, and it's not necessarily everyone's place to 'say' about other people's habitats, foods, festivals, styles, and music. Everyone's culture is different-- don't try to find approval for prejudice.

    Oh, and by the way, don't be so d**n ignorant. Don't be so rude and refer to First Nations as 'red indians'. Goes to show how much you respect ANYONE'S culture. Refer to them either by what they are (Cree, Mohawk, etc) and NOT 'red indians'. Watch your mouth, and be respectful.

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