
Do u really think 'yahoo answers' help ppl?

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Do u really think 'yahoo answers' help ppl?




  1. if people take the questions seriously, yes, the people can really be helpful!

  2. only if you get a real help from them.

  3. sometimes, yes... sometimes, no.

  4. yes alot

  5. sometimes.

    sometimes the answers are g*y and dont help

  6. Yes they do. People that cant decide things for themselves get advice from people even if they dont know these people which at times is better.

  7. Yes for those who come with an open mind and has the inquisit to learn.

  8. Depends on the category

    In personal advice sections, there is often no really best answer but the large number of replies can give the asker a lot of comfort and moral support, which is often what they are looking for.

    In health sections, for minor ailments the various suggested remedies are often useful; for larger problems at least the asker is encouraged to seek professional help

    In technical sections, some of the advice given is excellent - detailed, accurate and aimed at the asker's apparent level of understanding. But the asker has to sort these out from the answers which are point-gaming, tongue in cheek, too cryptic or outright dangerously wrong.

    In opinion sections (religion, politics etc) no right answer ever exists but the askers must feel "helped" by the large number of answers they draw out and the big arguments they cause.

    Polls & jokes are not expected to be helpful, and Homework Help often teaches the askers to do their own web searches.

    On top of that everyone gets something interesting to do for all the hours we spend on this site, and will occasionally make a good friend

  9. At times.

    I have asked some questions that didn't really get answered. But most of the time it's pretty useful!

  10. Some I would say yes.  There are some people on here who ask serious questions and some actually answer them seriously as well.  You get those people that post stupid answers that have nothing to do with the questions.

  11. YA is like chocolate. I helps many ppl.

  12. yes and no. if you have a genuine question, it can help you, like when i couldnt for the life of me figure out a maths problem for an exam and someone told me how to do it, helped me alot! BUT, all the people who come on here asking people to do their homework for them are not being helped, they wont learn anything that way, they are just being lazy.

  13. yes

  14. Yes it does...It has helped me a several ways!

  15. Yes,  Yahoo answers helps a lot,  if our question reaches right person to answer.

  16. I hope so.

  17. I've found several Q&A on here that were relevant to my interests or answered a concern I've had.

  18. it helped me. i was trying to build up the courage to talk  to this person i liked and i needed some encouragement and the people on here gave it to me. they were really nice about it too.

  19. I do believe that "Yahoo Answers" help people.  As long as comments or responses are not sexist, racist, violent, or intentionally offensive I do not see anything wrong with seeing someone else's viewpoints.  Sometimes mindsets or mindshifts are necessary.

  20. well. it help me..... indirectly....

    i man when i have to take decision.. or want to know. i put it here and get the ppls feed back.. and with there answer. i understand the picture of the problem...and solve it...

    so its. a kind of help..

    below is my question...give me answer.. I will judge ur answer and make my decision...;_ylc=...

    it will help me


  21. kinda, but not really, I just think it's fun.

  22. yes i do, its a great resource although there are alot of idiots on here who just do it to get points and such

    And it's also interesting to hear other people's opinions on things,

  23. sometimes

    not all the time!!!

  24. use it to get a basic idea but never use it to make an important decision as you dont no if you can trust the answer.

  25. ppl needz dis,

    yes it help much.

  26. Sometimes

  27. type a full question and g**gle it (competitor alert!) and usually Yahoo answers will come up. Amidst all the silly answers there usually is a good one and it doesn't necessarily have to be the Best Answer, especially if it's based on the prejudiced question of the Asker. Whatever.

  28. it can help people if the person answering knows what the (correct) solution is/gives relavent advice.

  29. sometimes yes.

  30. yes, because if people need quick answers on a topic important to them in some way they have us to help them out with their problem or just inform them about the subject!

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