
Do u think Anwar will found guity? If so will be another By-Election in Permatang Pauh again?

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Do u think Anwar will found guity? If so will be another By-Election in Permatang Pauh again?




  1. he said 'omg, i hope not'

  2. i personally think that there is a high possibility for that..

    currently anwar is facing the sodomy case.. coming soon the nalla's magnum RM60mil case.. who knows what other allegations will come out of the woodwork this coming few days

    surely at least one of this allegation will stick..

    and get convicted hence forfeiting his MP status..

    oh well..lets wait and see all the drama unfolds..

    hopefully it wont..just curious to see if anwar can deliver all that he preach to us... :)

  3. The case will be thrown out.  Instead, Saiful will finally be procecuted and charged for making false statements....he has to be seen to be found guilty ..... the facts and circumstances speak for themselves.  Saiful is now no more useful to UMNO ...

  4. Truth and Justice will prevail at the end,

    Mahathir, Najib and his UMNO cronies will be convicted for their crimes against humanity

  5. Not unless we have another freak hiding in some dark cave and telling everyone he's the last prophet.

  6. I am sure BN will get him out of the parliament by hook or by crook. They would go to great length to even najibing, just to get someone out of the way.  

  7. A question mark had already been planted by a  PAS top gun.

    He is 61 years old and one with a very bad back problem so do you think he can perform the  act as charged?

    And one more thing, with his problem, unless he  has a very hard piece of meat like a " tongkat" it will be very hard to enter the lubang belakang,  no matter how much KY is applied.

    So to answer your question,  it will be very hard for the court to charge him again the second time.  A Malay saying " enter air come out smoke" case.

  8. my statement will cause sub judice ... so no comment.

    *convict can become MP ... no problem about that.

  9. When you can change laws to convict one man and you are also able to appoint and fire judges, it is not too difficult to find anyone guilty.

    However, whether the general public believes the charges or whether the whole process is fair is another matter.

  10. hmmm  give him a chance la..kesian dia..

  11. I dont know...BN will never stop  and Anwar Ibrahim will try to survive

    just wait and see

  12. Omg, I hope not..

  13. There'll be not much abt sf due to expired date/invalid on 26/08/08.

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