
Do u think Atalantis really does exist?

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Do u think Atalantis really does exist

Do u think their are mermaids living there

When do u think we will find Atlantis

1) i think Atlantis does exist

2) i think mermaids live there

3) i think we will find it when a crisis event will happen

please answer the 3 questions




  1. Yarrr, I think it exists- but the Germans accidentlly bombed it in the war and so the mermaid minions have been working, working, WORKING to rebuild it in time for the 2016 Olympics 'cause they want to put in a bid........

    The rest of the world shall hear of it ..................

    next Friday 13th..................


  2. My husbands theory is that the Minoans where the Atlantis we hear about.  The Minoans were a trading civilizations and they had no fortification around their cities.  They had very advanced navigation skills and were such a prosperous group that when the volcano blew up and spread so much misery around the Mediterranean Seacoast they left a power vacuum that was felt far and wide.  The loss of such a power left many without market for their goods.  It also left room for myths, legends and the tendency for people to expand upon reality, as humans are so prone to do.  Blessed be.

  3. Atlantis was a real Greek city that was flooded and, you know how legends make it sound bigger than it really was, so people said it was a huge continent. But there have been whole cities revealed and then washed away when the tsunami hit Asia, so yeah, we might find that Greek city if a tsunami  hits there. Its no joke, look it up! People have sworn to see this happen. And no, there are no such things as mermaids.

    Hope this helped!

  4. It DID exist.

  5. atlantis did exist but not anymore,

    mermaid did not exist


  6. 1) I believe there is some basis in fact. Maybe there was a city and it's possible a natural disaster, most likely an earthquake, buried it in the ocean.  Given that, I don't think we'll find nice intact structures, but ruins if we ever do find it. Natural disasters never take anything neatly.

    2) I do not think mermaids live there. As much as I'd love to believe in such things, the scientist in me knows the "design" of a mermaid is completely impractical and evolution favors practicality and doesn't happen in 10 seconds, but over millions of years.  The people of Atlantis would have drowned, not grow fins.

    3) We may find it yet. There have been people looking and there is an underwater structure I think called the "wall" that they think is a clue.  However, they still have found nothing else to suggest it is man made (correction: they're still looking for evidence that this is part of Atlantis), but all we would need is something to shift some sand around and we may find it then.  Would be cool!  

    I remember seeing a show about it and I think this is the same thing I saw on the show:

  7. I think Atlantis exists. If mermaids do exist I think Atlantis is the most likely place.  I think it will take a major Katrina caliber storm to reveal it.

  8. Atlantis is under Antarctica

  9. I think Atlantis does exist - not sure about mermaids.  I don't think we'll see them again until our civilization catches up to theirs.  And I think that'll take a long time.

  10. I think it might still exist, but I don't think it's inhabited, let alone by mermaids, that would be cool though

  11. I believe Atlantis is a beautiful story created by Homer. It may have referenced other greek cities destroyed in a tidal wave, of eruption. 2. Mermaids could not exist. They would have to be part of two separate species and nature doesn't work that way. 3. Many underwater cities have been found already. If there were an atlantis, and we were to find it, it could not be varified as that particular city.

  12. 1) I think Atlantis does exist, supposedly a volcanic island near Crete called Thera may be Atlantis due to it's very similar history to the myth. Another belief is the Caribbean once was one landmass, and that the new world is Atlantis.

    2)No, I think Atlantis will be ruins of the empire.

    3) I think it's possible, but not for some sort of magical reason. War and crisis are the times when exploration and technology truly race ahead.

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