
Do u think Doctors are heros or villains?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Mostly heroes, but the occasional oddball gets publicity.

    They have nutcases like any other group.

  2. I think if they are prepared to put themselves through 6 years degree, gruling exams and then to have to put up with criticsing paitents and losing people who they have done all they can to help then the majority of doctors are heroes

    In every proffession there are bound to be a few pyschos

  3. I think personally there are genuine doctors out there and in my eyes yes I would call them heroes, but there are butchers out there too, who don't give a f...

  4. Hero's all the way

    Doctors saved mine and my sons life!!

  5. Depends...Especially if a doctor is not interested in his oath to save lives, then he would be considered a quack...It has happened throughout recorded history hence the word Malpractice leading to a death or deaths...But thank god, not all are quacks!

    Most are heros, some are as you say: villains.

  6. Medical science is just that a science.  How you use the science is another issue.

  7. Heroes.Unless of course their surname happens to be Shipman

  8. In this case, villains.

    I thought 'ring' WAS a body part?

  9. Most are heroes, some are villains.

  10. What about dentists? Evil personified!

    Um actually all the doctors I know are pretty bad.....

  11. depends on the doctor!! i have been in and out of hospital the last 2 weeks and had my fair share of both heroes (the drs who sorted me out) and the villians (doctors who dont help and pass u onto other doctors!)

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