
Do u think Mahatma Gandhi's ideals hold relevance in today?

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Do u think Mahatma Gandhi's ideals hold relevance in today?




  1. no,

  2. as one person said above... he is not a brahmachari.. he has 4 sons. and as i know mahatma ideals hold on the streets not in humans heart.

  3. In a small way it did ... just last month ... in the US of A ... at their Immigration Department.

    I am living through this immigration h**l so I know this story is true. It was picked up by many online news outlets.

  4. yes , they do

  5. Yes. Anyone that believed in peace, non-violent resolutions to conflicts and in working together for the betterment of humanity, holds relevance for a long time. (good examples, Buddha, Jesus Christ).

    Ghandi goes down as one of the best leaders in world history, simply because he had the Curage to stand up for what he believed in...and do it without being part of violence and bloodshed.

    If more world leaders followed his example....we'd really make a lot of progress towards a much better world.

  6. Mahatma Gandhi's "ideals" hold relevance to India today much more so than earlier

    .For example his stand opposed to the world communist order -'ends justify means'!, "noble means only could  lead to noble ends!", is  very important in today's socio-political life.

    Terrorism aims only at intimidating people and their bomb culture has only propaganda value! Just as fire cannot be put out by fire,so also war or force cannot end it!On the other hand, Gandhiji's time honoured "ahimsa" could drive it away once and for all times.

    His yearning to forge "national unity' and 'emotional integration of diverse communities' is as much relevant today as it was considered once.


  7. it does and will always wanna e.g. munnabhai part-ii everyone everywhere people are adopting the way munna bhai showed in his movie so i feel directly or indirectly mg's ideals hold relevance

  8. yeah...very much.

  9. Does  LOve, non violence have relevance today?

    While Bhrmacharya was admired by him that was not his main message or even contribution.

  10. I do not think so.

    Mahatma Gandhi put great stress on brahmacharya (i.e., the control of sexual desire). But, today, most people have pre-marital and/or extra-marital affairs. Forget about honesty.

  11. Everyaction has got it's own reaction.

  12. Assuming that all human beings have humanly heart many of the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi is relevant for ever... mainly he says "Protest against all injustice". Further he continues that the protest and fight should be peaceful and non violent. Now

    the relevance is questioned here.  Our culture and vedas say

    "Use Sama... Dana... Beda...and Danda" to fight injustice.

    When convincing with tolerance fails... give and take with mutual concent goes in vain.. warning  of the cosequences is not heeded... they use the last weapon of hitting back action.

    But for these last weapon the present world would not have seen Taliban... Alquida and so on which use their inhuman acts on the innocent lot by mad power ..which should be met with force .  Here the evil is fought by the good.  Saitan is fought by God.   It is a fight for peace and justice together.

    Gandhi's ideals will not come as a remedy but  in the process of this fight the sufferings will be the eye openers to all that the path of universal good and peace wilth human love is valuable and sense of harmony will prevail.  But as we all know there is always war between good and bad..that is Life.

  13. First of all NO. It is better to stop asking such question in present day contest.Since present day is full of opportunities and lot of wealth.wealth paves  way for lust and after lust occupies the mind no Gandhi's ideals have any reference.

  14. yes always truth and non-violence is not bound by time

  15. let us not fool ourselves that gandhi's ideals are panacea for the evil that ails this world.

    for that matter moses christ mohmed,rama, practised/preached at their time when it solved some of the problems of the time.

    any body who thinks those hold good even today will be dong a mistake.

    it is only delhi docs who can cure cancer aids and impotency with one single medicine.

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