
Do u think Nadal will be able keep his no.1 spot ?

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Do u think Nadal will be able keep his no.1 spot for long ? Federer remained no. 1 for more than 4 yrs. Will Nadal be able to do this or will Federer turn the game over again ?

What do u think ?

Plz answer....thanks......




  1. I think Rafa will hold onto this year for sure but I HIGHLY doubt that he will hold it as long as Federer did, he'll lose it as early as next year probably. Though I love Fed his playing has become unpredictable and the main problems seem to be confidence and mental toughness. But the thing is with him losing the things that are most precious to him like being number 1 and Wimbledon will enrage him. You saw how he pretty much tore apart the doubles competition at the Olympics after he lost in singles. Federer was cracking that whiplike forehand of his all over the place and elegantly backhanding and running like he was playing singles LOL.I think dropping down to number 2 will be all the motivation he needs because now the pressure will be on Rafa and Federer can just play to his hearts content and rejuvenate himself to who he was. Overall I think Rafa will stay number 1 this year, but Federer will get it back early next year. Even if Fed declines like people stupidly think he is, there are allot of young hungry guys like Djokovic, Murray, and others who will be after him like a scrap of meat and with Rafa already taping his knees at 22 it's hard to see him keeping up his full octane play for a really long time let alone staying number one for four years like Federer.

  2. actually he isnt really in the no. 1 spot yet. he just is in the player's eyes becuase he beat fedderer.

  3. Sure thing. Federer's game can become better but so can Nadal's right? I guess he can keep his spot for a long time. He has improved and still is.  

  4. Yes he can keep the number one spot for a while, given how Roger is playing these days. But I don't see him holding onto it as long as Roger did. There are a lot of younger guys who are making their mark with the subsequent decline of Roger. These guys will be threatening for that number one ranking soon. Guys like Gulbis, Djokovic, Monfils, Gasquet, Del Potro and Murray can easily take over his number one ranking in the future. If Roger isn't able to put together some big wins this year and take back the number one ranking, then I suspect Nadal will lose his number one ranking in February of next year.  

  5. I think Rafa will hold the #1 ranking for a while. Im not sure if it`ll be 4years though, i do know Nadal will complete a career grandslam at some point whereas Roger has never ever won the French, can he do it? sure but its not going to get any easier and the way Rafa demolished him this year at Roland Garros who knows what will happen to Federer at the French lol... Thats why i call Nadal the better player, whats a better achievement winning all the grandslams and having a singles gold medal or what Roger has done been 4years at #1 still not won all the slams and only won a gold medal through doubles..... Everyone has their own opinions and that happens to be mine :) !  

  6. Probably not. I would say that Rog has a chance to make a run at that no.1 spot this fall. He's coming off his surprising olympic gold medal win in doubles and probably has some extra motivation in him. I wouldn't be surprise if he made it to the final in the open this year.

    And someone needs to tell miss seductive to quit pointing out obvious c**p. Calling nadal a better player because he killed fed at Roland Garros, and that fed's gold medal doesn't mean ****. Get you're facts straight people.

  7. No player in tennis history has been the world number one longer than Roger has. He dominated the game for four straight years, and he's still an incredible player but I think he's had his time being the "best player in the world".

    Rafa has more competition from Djokovic, not Federer. Djokovic's young like him, and their matches are full of energy and rallies. Federer can't get to points as fast as he used to. Djokovic will overtake Federer as the world number two first, and then give Nadal a run for his money.

    Right now, Nadal DESERVES to be the world number one. He's in super form and he's playing incredibly. I think he'll maintain his position for a long time.

    We'r in for some great years of tennis for sure!!

  8. Nadal Obviously Can Hold it for a While But I think Federer's biggest problem is that he can’t keep his mental strength when he is under pressure. And all these 8 months he was under massive pressure so he couldn’t manage things well. but I think now that he has became world number 2 and critics will zoom on Rafa more than him , he will be able to regain his number one spot , so Rafa’s number one spot wouldn’t last so long in my point of view .  

  9. No......I don't think.......Federer will come back in U.S open

  10. Federer will Be No. 1 again after the U.S.

  11. no, i don't think so. he's really talented and he's a great player but Fed's the LEGEND

  12. yes

  13. This will depend on so many factors.

    It is always hard to predict. I personally think that Fed still has a couple of years left in him and he will eventually win a few more slams. Rafa is a little younger and hungrier at this point and it will be hard to beat him but look at the field behind them and they are potentially a few young players as hungry as Rafa and they will give them both a run for their money. Fed needs to take some time off when this season is over and start on a fresh note. It is going to be an interesting season next year and I can't wait.

    Injuries also play a huge factor with the game being so much more physical now. Things don't last for ever. When you are at the top, the only way is down and the fact that Roger was a the top for so long is so incredible. This may not be repeated in this generation of players.  

  14. One thing is sure-Federer will not be no.1.

    The one man who can only beat Rafa Nadal is Novak Djokovic! So I can't wait to watch US Open that will be a great battle for no.1!!:)

    In the end Djokovic will be no.1

                   Nadal        no.2

        and      Federer     no.3.

    BTW I'm happy for Nadal and his one of my fav players!


    Nole is simply the best!!!!!

  15. Nope!

  16. yup, nadal will stay #1

    but not as long as the Fed did

    the Fed is growing old, while nadal is still young & more powerful

    The Fed will eventually retire from tennis, just as the earlier legends did

  17. I think Feder will play harder and be more trained now that he has lost but can he really beat Nadal I don't think so right now he better come with his "A" game if he wants a shot at #1 again

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