
Do u think Spain should have worn yellow instead of white?

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After all their flag contains red and yellow. I don't see white anywhere.




  1. White = Surrender.

  2. I dont care about those racist spaniards, what kind of question is this? The Olympics are over already.

    Edit: No Adina I have never slanted my eyes. Your a racist, and I don't plan to eat smelly pinto beans either.

  3. Dont matter. they still lost

  4. sure

  5. dont matter they still would have lost

  6. Who cares what color they wear? I only care about performance

  7. Spain Sucks!! GO USA

  8. Who cares! The olympics are done and they lost anyway.

  9. No. They'd look like complete idiots. Although they r s**y in red. haha. Every Spaniard is! Rudy and Ricky is hot. Haha.

    LOOK AT ALL THESE AMERICAN FOOLS. haha. they think USA is all dat! Geez. Selfish ppl!

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