
Do u think WWE has ruined the intercontenteial championship?

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By given it to ppl like santiono marella, ppl like the rock,HHH HBk used to hold the title,i dnt mind ppl like jeff hardy or kingston holdin the title they have potentail to be world champs,the IC title used to be the steppin stone to get to the world title now look santionos got it for a comedy angle which is stupid the burchill/kingston fued was pretty cool, now i hope d-lo or kingston win or from santino soon or the WWE is stuipid




  1. No, not yet. It's better with Santino for now


  3. Yeah, i agree. Like anyone can get it now.

    Back in the days you had to work hard to get something like the IC. IC is a joke nowdays. People like santino who cant even wrestle get the title. WWE seriously needs to do something about it.

    Its just not the IC title its all the title below main titles. Only ones that matter now are the WHC and WWE champiohips!

  4. Yeah i agree, i want Dlo Brown to win it since Kofi has all ready held the title.

  5. Mr. Kennedy should have it.

  6. Lol, i think it's kind of funny that Santino finally has a title, but I definitely think at a ppv Jeff and santino should fight for the intercontinental championship.

  7. they have killed what used to be a great belt in the 90s to just a second rate title... what a shame...   WELL DONE WWE! :(

  8. yes they did did you ever see that ladder match for the ic title shawn michales vs razor ramon at wrestlemania that's when they actually cared for it now look at it it wasent even defended at the last wrestlemania

  9. i agree and totally believe that not only have the wwe ruined the intercontinental championship but also the wwe championship what kind of idiots are champions now i mean john cena cannot wrestle edge was a cheat randy orton, what the h**l. wrestlers like the rock, triple h, stone cold, undertaker,even kurt angle worked their arses of to get that championship and look at it now. i am glad triple h has been the title holder recently!

  10. No Its still presteigus ... its the 3rd best title in the wwe, its gone to santino cos come on ... he is entertaining ... im sure kofi, d-Lo, mysterio or y2j or sum1 will take it soon

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