
Do u think air has...?

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a smell? Assuming there's nothing in it.. for example, if you lived in a room that smelled like onions all your life (so u would think that was the smell of 'nothing') and u walked in to fresh clean air.. would u think it smelled weird, or different?




  1. Several gases do have odors such as CO2 which has a sweet smell.

  2. Have you ever had an oxygen mask on?? I thought it would be wonderful to smell "clean air"...What a surprise. It was awful. I don't know what air is composed of...I guess not only oxygen. I would think it would be like changing perfume. If you've smelled the same perfume all your life..and it smelled bad..but you didn't know it...then you smelled a GOOD perfume. would realize that it's a BETTER smell than the one you're smelling. Then, you probably wouldn't want to go back to the other perfume (or smell  in the house)

    EDIT...OK..I thought it was oxygen & nitrogen..but I didn't know about all these other things

  3. It may have a smell, but since humans evolved in air and each of us has been breathing air since we were born, our olfactory sense organs would not be able to detect it.

    However, if you go outside after a rainstorm, you do smell "fresh air" - some of that is due to a small amount of ozone in the air, some is due to the dirt and pollution being washed out of the air so they don't cover up the underlying fresh air.

  4. air has smell because it has different element and compound

  5. Odor only exists where there are odor-producing molecules present.  So if you were around clean air it shouldn't smell like anything.  However, if you're accustomed to a particular smell and that smell is no longer around, would the absence of odor be perceived by your nose as an odor itself?  I would think not, but who knows?

    Have you ever noticed how certain houses have certain odors?  You notice it immediately when you enter someone's house.  I can't help but think this means my house has a certain odor, but I don't notice it since I'm accustomed to it.
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