
Do u think biofuels can help reduce global warming?

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Do u think biofuels can help reduce global warming?




  1. I now here it is worse than gas for many reasons

  2. Yes, as an intermediate thing before the real solution.  Hydrogen and battery powered vehicles, using electricity from nuclear, solar, and wind.

    Their big virtue is that we are making vehicles right now that can run on them.  But they're not the best solution.

  3. The production of Ethanol ADDS to it more than anything else.

  4. I think there is potential to reduce reliance on the middle east and other unsavory countries that we buy oil from but there is probably no significant connection to potential warming.  Some of the warmer countries can successfully grow biofuels.  Corn is simply not an good option.  Perhaps we will come up with better alternatives.

  5. Biofuels from waste products can help reduce carbon emmissions and reduce our dependence on our "friends" in the middle east (who want to kill us all).    Commercial biofuels in the billions of gallons like people in washington are talking about is just a feelgood, government subsidy giveaway though.

  6. No, nothing we can do will stop global warming.  Best get ready.

  7. yes they can help reduce global warming, but, at the moment it takes almost as much regular fuel source to make them as it saves

  8. Current biofuel production methods use more fossil fuels than they "save," and are a net increase in CO2 gas.

    That being said, the short answer is NO.

    However, since the earth has cooled in the last year, and the use of biofuels has gone up, the data may say otherwise!

  9. Uh....  Heat is heat, no matter how you slice it.  I remember right after the California wildfires resulted in the coldest weather, just like the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991 where Europe almost lost their entire summer.  So, you can say whatever you want and you will have some people that agree with you, I am sure.

  10. Bio fuels are actually release more carbon dioxide than burning gas. The deforestation required to make space for the biofuel crops to grow will release co2 and there will be less trees to eat up the carbon. Using used vegetable oil is a verygood option though.

  11. that very much depends on the agriculture required to produce the vast amounts of bio fuel.

    using bio fuel means that no additional CO2 is added into the atmosphere, since plants take this CO2 from the air (or water) process it into fuel, which when burned, returns the CO2 to the atmosphere.

    But to increase the agricultural lands in order to grow bio fuel products, the land must be cleared, mainly from trees, and that causes more CO2 to be released into the atmosphere, and less trees to capture the CO2 from the atmosphere.

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