
Do u think cooking dinner take too much time daily? :-)?

by  |  earlier

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please share ur opinions on this matter:

my 2 cents: I think cooking at home is cheaper (someway) but defintitely healthier but I hate we have to spend time cooking and then washing dishes.




  1. Yes it does take a lot of time but it is worth every min. I cook all natural and organic so it is cheaper and healthier. I have 2 kids and I work full time so i multitask when cooking homework,laundry,dishes and so on. My kids deserve a healthy diet.

  2. No, all I do the rest of the time is lay around and drink.

  3. I do not think cooking dinner takes to much time in a day! I think its shorter to cook your meal then to go to a resturant wait to be seated, give your drink order, have the waitress get that then come back for your food order,  then you have to wait for the food then when your done eating you have to wait for the check! Its was quicker to make dinner at home besides home cooked food is the best. Try making cooking fun.. i cook for my boyfriend and family and then i dont mind doing the dishes but when i am not having fun cooking I hate doing dishes! but yea cooking at home is more fun

  4. I think that the time the people that cook for me spend cooking is time well spent !

    ;  )

  5. honey, i am a man and i do enjoy cooking,.good  planing takes all the hassle away  and it keeps you away from the soaps washing dishes is not much of a job either  my dishwasher  washes everyting   exept for  realy big stuff .come on and get some ambitions

  6. cooking at home is cheaper and many families dont take the time to sit down as a family anymore. everyone is in a rush and many want to eat out try a crock pot less dishes and you put it on in the am  and by meal time it will be done

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