
Do u think demons really exist?

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I am living with my mom for the summer and everytime something goes missing from our apt that she needs she says its the demons and they took it and they are trying to stop her from going to her religious meeting. She has been that way ever since I can remember as a small child. I used to think demons existed because all the people in my religion kept telling me so but now I dont because I feel like she and them are dramatizing it. I am moving out in september but I think my mother is crazy theres no such thing as demons




  1. They use demon to make u scard so that u will do what they say and follow their rules.....are they really real nobody knows for sure but ppl wil maniuplate u with these things

  2. this is not cajungurl it is her brothe-in-law michael I'm going to tell you something your mother is right its been known in many countries about people setting things down and when the item is looked for it goes missing and you find it in an unusual spot. It may not be a demon but sometype of spritual being messing with your mother. in most cases people block it out and it goes away . but the ones that challange it by going to church it gets worse. the closer to god a person gets the more a person gets attacked.

  3. without a doubt! if you believe in god you believe there is a devil right? with the devil there are demons...of course all religions believe different things but for the most part most believe in demons...i dont think she's crazy, maybe a little too over the top but def. not crazy :)

  4. They can manifest especially when people die that are possed by them they come out and try to find another person to live in. This is one reason a person thinks they have been reincarnated. If that demon lived in a doctor and then all of sudden an unlearned person knows all about doctor stuff that's probly what happened that same demon entered into that person. If your mom was filled with the Holy Ghost she would have cast that thing out of her house along time ago instead of playing games with it.. Plea the blood of Jesus over you honey and get right with the Lord. God bless you all!

  5. is your mom a Jehovah's  Witness by any chance?yes demons exist and they do try to stop people from learning the truths about Jehovah.the times i most experience problems with demons is when i am doing really well in my faith. remember they try to turn people against Jehovah and it angers them when they don't.

  6. Honestly I don't know.  There are many non g-d supernatural beings that could be here.  I'd rather remain agnostic until proved one way or another.  Although there many unexplainable things in the world so anything is possible.  

  7. look up poltergist. their basically ghosts that do stuff just like that, though some are more violent then others.

    on the other hand, yes demons are real, i saw one once....

  8. Well...I believe in heaven and It would be kind of Hypocritical to say that I didn't believe in h**l and Demons, Because I do. The Roman Catholic Church as been performing exorcisms for centuries now and believe that some people do suffer from this infliction.

    But Please let me be perfectly precise that I do Not believe that you are being haunted so to speak by demons. You see there are some major difference to look for with a haunting or a possession. Demons are entities that have never taken human form, and most times you will feel very sick in their presence. You may feel cold spots, and at times may hear chanting (if this was a site of satanic worship in the past) I'm not saying you or your house but the ground at which your home was built.

    The second reason I don't believe that you have a demon is that demons are very powerful and have really not reason to be taking material things. Their main purpose to to destroy and possess.

    I believe that if you have anything it is a run of the Mill haunting and nothing  more, spirits are notorious for taking or moving things, slamming doors, playing Havic with your electrical equipment

    I feel that maybe you mom is just a deeply devout women, who may put a little too much stock into demons. Just bid your time until you move out.

    Good Luck

  9. don't think your mom's crazy.Different people in different religions believe different things.And elderly people believe too much of it.Like my grandma still believes that demons exist.And they don't haunt all the people so a lot of peole dun belive in them but think about it.If god exists, devil exists too and that means demons exist too.

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