
Do u think discipline should be instilled by parents or school? give me your reason, please!! help?

by Guest33633  |  earlier

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please help!!! give me your complete answer=)




  1. In my veiw Discipline is something that one posesses and attempts to develop; like learning to play a musical instrument.  In this manner, discipline should be instilled by any caring party, who in the interest of the party concerned takes upon the challenge of inspiring a spirit of self-improvement into the youngster; it is the responsiblity of the community.

    Now, what seems to be called "Discipline", from the reference of "Disciplinary Action", and more accurately "Punishment" (occasionally and shamefully: revenge) should be a very carefully handled matter.  The school should never be allowed to punish beyond detention and suspension; each time considering getting the parents involved in the proceedings.  Punishment (lets call it what it is) is very important to a person's development; it is supposed to be for their own good and never for retaliation.  If it is done well, someone will develop healthily, but when done in a cruel, wanton, and retaliatory manner you teach violence, impatience, cruelty, and that violence calls for more violence.

    I am not terribly confident that the school is going to be able to be concerned on the level that a loving parent would and thus should be limited in their scope to the general prevention of dissent and anarchy in thier institutions.

  2. Parents.  

    Schools should be allowed to dispense methods of punishment as a way to maintain discipline in their classrooms, but their job is to teach the children - not to raise them.

    Discipline, at its root, means training.  To discipline a child is to train them to behave properly in different situations and make wise choices.  For some kids, all it takes is the "mom" look...for others, it requires removal of privileges, spankings, groundings, or other restrictions.  How is a teacher supposed to do this?

    If parents don't train their kids - don't discipline them - a teacher has no chance.  For kids in a classroom, teachers are important people in their lives, but they're not a substitute for committed parents.  At the end of the day, it's a parent's job to raise a child, and that includes instilling discipline.  It is *never* the job of a teacher to take the place of a parent, and I don't know any teachers that would dispute that.

    Maybe, if we let our teachers actually teach (instead of expecting them to fully raise the kids), our schools wouldn't be in the position that they are.  Maybe if more parents stepped up and actually disciplined their kids (and please know I'm not talking about the regulars on this board), more kids would have a good chance to succeed in life.

  3. PARENTS. If parents discipline their kids, schools will not have to.

  4. definetely parents. when you send your kids to school you are sending them to learn not to be babysat

  5. Discipline: “Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces mental or moral improvement.” (American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd ed.)

    The best scenario is where the entire community has the prerogative of invoking discipline but doesn't have to.  

    Parents should instill basic self-control, courtesy, and respect in their children and not expect school authorities to tame their out-of-control children anymore than they should expect others to take on potty training. But parents who insist that their children are not subject to any authority other than their own do their kids no favors.

    "Nobody tells MY kid what to do but me!"  How's that working for the parents?  Do they go home whining to THEIR parents if their boss, or their friends, or the legal system lays down rules they are expected to follow?

    Parents who think that other people should have to tolerate any behavior that they themselves can tolerate in their children may not understand why they aren't welcomed as warmly as they expect.  Children whose rude and anti-social behaviors are furiously defended by their parents grow up with both a sense of entitlement and a lack of coping and compromising skills.

    Will the parents confront little Jimmy's boss about unfair and non-nurturing treatment when little Jimmy is 25?  When is little Jimmy expected to learn how to fit into society?

    I can only assume that some parents identify too strongly with their child.  I'm tired of reading stories, though, where a neighbor who catches some kids vandalizing his Christmas decorations marches them by the collar to confront their father, only to have the father file assault charges instead of thanking him.

  6. I believe it should be both working together. Our society is so messed up because people are afraid to disipline and teachers aren't allowed to. We need to get back to basics and take control back from our children. I don't think a smack on the butt once in a while will hurt them.

  7. BOTH

    why because first of all discipline should be taught early as it will be instilled in the childs brain for when they are that obviously has to be done by the parents. but if i child is in daycare or in school, and they are misbehaving, i dont see why the teacher/educator shouldnt discipline them (within the legal boundaries of course)

  8. Disciplining is the parents job to make sure their children are behaved well in public or at home.

  9. Both, it should start at home b/c thats a parent's job and at school they need to show the children that they are taking the place of their parents and to respect their elders.

  10. If you choose to have a child then you take on the responsibility of raising that child. The schools are there to teach not to raise children. discipline is a very important part of parenting and should not be done by someone outside the family. They don't know the child. You don't discipline every child the same for no child is the same.

    Children need their parents to guide them. It shows the child they count and are loved. Oh sometimes you want to tell your parents off or think they don't love you but if they didn't they wouldn't care enough to teach you.

    The schools teach textbook. Parent's teach the future and mold a child into basically what they will be as a person the rest of their lives.

  11. The parents.

    This is a biblical concept.  Parents are responsible to disciple their children.  The government isn't.

  12. no becuz a lot of kids it dont work!

  13. it should be by both. school could be used to let loose (if there is no disipline in school) if it is only the parents disiplining.

  14. Children are the responsibility of their parents, not the state, no matter what form the state is in.

    Parents brought their kids in to the world and in doing so took on the responsibility of raising them.

  15. Definitely parents.  I would never expect someone else to teach my child how to behave, that would be embarrassing!  That is the parents job for sure.  That does not mean that children can't learn from people other than their parents, but parents should not expect anyone else to do their job for them.

  16. Both areas require different kinds of discipline so both.  School is trying to install a foundation of learning in each student, therefore the students must be disciplined in a way that allows the majority to best learn (notice I mention majority-every individual has unique needs).  School is trying to help each student succeed by providing students with teh tools to become successful in work.  At home (most) parents are trying to install the foundations of character that allow children to be good students and well rounded people.  Parents ultimately would like their children to grow up to be happy, successful and responsible adults (most parents).  Both areas require different kinds of discipline.  For example you can (usually) call out at home but if you did at school you would most likely be reprimanded as it does not work in the school environment.  At home you may be reprimanded for hanging around with the 'wrong' kind of person but at school you can (usually) sit with whoever you choose.

    Hope this helps, it's mostly opinion.

  17. Discipline should be instilled by parents, no question.

    Since parents do not accompany children all day in school though, it is necessary for the school to also enforce that discipline.  Of course they should do so with the co-operation of the parents.  A child should know that misbehavior in school will be reported to the parent, and that the parent *WILL* take action.

    Of course, this is the homeschooling section, and my kids are homeschooled.  So for my kids the question is moot.

  18. Both if you mean giving kids consequences for their actions.  You need to teach kids responsibility from an early age or they will never be able to deal with the real world.  Parents should be in charge of harsher discipline but schools should have consequences for breaking the rules.

  19. First of all, it depends on your definition of discipline. Many answers gave a dictionary definition. However, if the purpose is to educate the child, it is everyone's job.

    I am a 7th and 8th grade science teacher and spend much too much time with classroom discipline. Many children seem to believe that they are at school to socialize and do not realize how education could help them later. I set and follow through with classroom and school rules but if the students do not follow through, they end up stopping others learn. It also affects the curriculum taught. If I have an usually disruptive group of students, so many of the "hands-on" activities are eliminated. They go back to book work.

    Parents need to get back on the track of setting and following through with limits at home. They also need to support the teacher if what the teacher is trying to do is educate their child. Too often I've seen the parent just make excuses. Now where did the child get the idea of "It's not fair? Suzie was talking." Excuses... excuses.

    As a parent of three grown children, I know parenting is difficult. It is difficult to be consistent all the time but that's our job. It's also the job of the teacher. However, by the time I get students, many bad habits have been formed. I work every day to teach and it has gotten more and more frustrating. Older students need to take responsibility for themselves and the administration needs to follow through with unruly and unmotivated students of all ages. However, it's the primary responsibility of parents to teach what is right and the value of education.

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