
Do u think electric car are BAD too?

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People are all over with the "green" idea,and because of that now u see electric car. I was thinking; Isnt electricity another problem to our enviroment u know the water they allready using to give us energy and all that.SO do you think electric car are any good???




  1. what if you had an electric car with a solar panel on the roof? then if your at a red light then you would be using energy at the same time gaining electricity.if you go to walmart,park the vehicle, go in to walmart, your car on a sunny day would be charging. yes electric cars are the future because they give 0 pollution and are free to fuel up.

  2. Well if you think electric cars are bad, then so are refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, light bulbs, etc.  Anything that uses electricity.

    The reason electric cars are good is that they're much more efficient than gas cars.  They produce much less greenhouse gas emissions, which is very important.  See the link below for further details.

  3. Here is how I see electric cars, bad use of resources. The batteries are horrible for the environment, and they fail with time/heat. You have to use electricity coming into your home to charge them unless you invest in a solar recharging station and very limited range even with the best batteries your looking at about 100miles max. Safer cleaner fuels, hybrids, and fuel cell vehicle will be where the future is unless they come up with a miracle battery electric vehicles don't solve anything.

  4. Electric cars are a nolvity

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    Cause their run time is not all that long and the battery life is the down fall of them

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    So if you had to take a 1000 mile trip in and electric car it would take you almost a week

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    Cause most cars only get 125 miles to a charge

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    That will take any where from 4 to 6 hours to recharge

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    And the charge time decreases with age

    Evey time you recharge it the less run time it has

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    So you see it is a novelty car not a practical car

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    And what happens when you have a dead battery in Wal Marts parking lot

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  5. sorry, electric cars are good, as battery technology improves, it will be a major form of who doubt simply need to remember the public transportations that currently use that and similar technology now...

  6. Of course they are!!! Battery technology is, has, and will continue to advance rapidly giving us higher mileage, better performance, and more reliability than ever before! Not to mention the faster charge time and the much improved style (they aren't all cracker jack and cereal box toys anymore!). So look out because they will defiantly be coming to a garage or parking place near you. Also, with solar, nuclear, tidal, hydroelectricity, geothermal, and wind power being rapidly developed the tailpipe won't be removed from the car to more polluting power plants either.

  7. I think electric cars are good for a few reasons. Cars that runs on electricity only have no emissions, so even if their fuel is a drain on the environment, they aren't polluting on top of it. Electricity is the easiest power to find a renewable source. People who have electric cars can have their own solar panels or wind turbines at their house, so they won't draw any power from fossil fuels to power their car.

    In many parts of the country that may seem strange, but in CA more and more homes are installing electric PV's on the roofs. Wind turbines are beginning to go up as well. Most of our utilities offer us the option to have all of our electricity to come from renewable sources, we have many solar arrays and wind farms as well as a geothermal plant.

    The hybrids I believe are the most practical solution available today. Hydrogen fuel cells may be the wave of the future, but a mass infastructure of fueling stations will need to be built before they can be practicle. Hybrids and Plugin Hybrids take the best of current and future technologies. They have the range of any other vehicle, they use the existing fueling infastructure and they use renewable electricity to reduce tha amount of fuel used, when you are not accelerating or driving at higher speeds the gas engine shuts off and you are no longer emitting any pollution.

  8. No as the generator will produce 60% more CO2 than a gasoline engine would. The electricity must come from some where.

  9. Yes they are good in limited situations, they have problems, mainly cost and range, but to dismiss them out of hand isn’t a good idea. There are many ways to generate electricity not all of them waste water and generating electricity may be better than gasoline power cars. Here if I was to give you a choice which would you take,

    Choice 1 millions of small engines

    Choice 2 thousands of large power plants.

    You need to keep then both in good running order, install smog control, and scrub the exhaust. It would be far easier to keep the thousands of power plants in good working order, and you would be able to do a better job of smog control, and scrubbing the exhaust with the big plants then the millions of car engines. So in that case it may be better to use electric cars.

    But it is true that the lot of people have jumped onto the electric car bandwagon without knowing their limitations. When you really question them you find most of them live in bigger cities, where it doesn’t get cold, by cold I mean under -20f, they don’t know what effect cold has on the range of an electric car or generating heat for the car, etc. Some of the electric cars have a range of up to 250 miles, assuming you don’t use air-conditioning or a heater and it’s not cold. Just adding cold to the mix can cut your range in half, that without adding the heater so your 250 is now under 125 and that car was over $100,000 if you look at other electric cars with a range of 125 in the cold your range now 75 miles.

    So yes they have problems but in certain parts of the country they maybe a very good idea.

  10. You can power an electric car for two cents a mile, or 50 miles for just $0.25. Gasoline prices would be close to $10.00 At the moment, electric cars aren't all that great. However, if the alternatives are public transporation, bio-fuels, hydrogen.... it's electric no question. Any of the other proposed solutions require billions of dollars, and decades of retrofitting the nation.

    For example, hydrogen might be "better" in some ways. But if you're 40yrs old now, you will be 80yrs old before they could mass produce all those cars, and retrofit every gas station to pump the hydrogen fuel for it.

    Public transport sounds noble. However, if a car takes $6 of fuel, and 15 minutes of travel time to reach a destination, but a bus takes $5 of fuel and 1.15 minutes, it simply doesn't make sense to ride a bus for an hour to save a dollar.

  11. I think we'll reuse the water.its good to save fuels because it may finish up few more years

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