
Do u think federer is proud and arrogant?

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i dun think so...but lately he has been gettin much of his share of criticism from media..........

wat do u think??




  1. Well I don't know the guy but he probably thought his tennis was so good that he could just go and hang out with Tiger Woods  not knowing that he can actually be defeated. Oh and his comments about his loss at the French not meaning anything to him is such a lie! haha he was obviously gutted.

  2. I certainly think he is a proud guy of his own achievements, however I dont think he has been arrogant. He has always been nice to his fellow tennis pros, the only pro to send James Blake a card when he was hospitalized a few years ago. He's pretty compassionate.

    Dont pay too much attention to the media. There may be truth somewhere but mostly things are highly exaggerated. Everyone usually tries to find excuses if something goes wrong. :)

  3. I think he is proud and arrogant ever since he was not gracious when he first defeated Pete Sampras at Wimbledon... he was like oh yeah I am great and when Tim Henman beat him in the next round he didn't even look at him when they shook hands at the net. He has a persona of being a real gentleman but I don't think he is. He is a great tennis player one of the best but I am happy Rafa has come along to teach him he's not THE BEST anymore!

  4. no

  5. If a person is at the top of the world for a very long time... one would think that he owns the world.  I don't blame Roger for his pride and arrogance... according to the media... for if I would be in his shoes, I would be worst than him...(sigh)... but we could always learn and achieve greatness with a spice of humility.

  6. Hi

    I think he is a proud man, but not arrogant. He took defeat very  well last Sunday. There is huge pressure on being number one for so long, but hey the final was awsome.


  7. Top players often find themselves at the extremes with the media.  One day he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, the next he's dethroned and on his way to the tennis retirement home.

    Federer has every right to be proud of his accomplishments.  They are rather amazing.  As for arrogance, I have never seen it.  He has always been very complimentary and magnanimous in defeat and is well liked by the players ( a much more realistic estimation than the media).

    pretty0dd - Federer's comments about the French Open were 2-fold.  1.  that loss is in the past, and as a player he has to look to the future matches and 2.  He stated that he couldn't take anything out of the French Open match on how to play Nadal because he plays so differently on each surface.

  8. No. Everyone who reports on him says he's extremely humble, diplomatic, and has excellent sportsmanship. He's raised the bar in kindness during matches, which wasn't there 10 years ago.  Conners used to bump his opponents when passing them during changing seats and would curse at them, (reported Wilander), and many players would try to intimidate their opponents any chance they could get. It began with Roger where players speak well of the other persons game. Maybe in the distant past they did this also, but according to various articles I've read, the past 30 years were much more agressive pre- and post- match.

    He gets beat up by the media, because media personal are losers and they like to root for losers, so since Roger is exceptionally excellent player, the losers want him to lose as well.  There is no reason not to appreciate his amazing talent.

  9. I've never met him.

  10. I kind of think he is a bit arrogant but to be honest no one can really blame him. He is doing so well right now - he won Wimbledon 5 times and he's very good at coping with the press. He's obviously not too arrogant because he took losing the match really well.

  11. Of all the Sportsmen I have seen, I think Roger Federer is the least arrogant. He has a charming personality. The way he carries himself on court is very nice; Calm and Composed. I'm not a fan of his (I like Nadal); but it's his personality that truly makes him such a stunning player.

    He is proud; that's because of his achievements, but arrogant? I don't think so.

  12. I agree.  I think he has a right to be proud, after all he has set quite a few records, but at the same time, I think he pretty much has no respect to any of the players out there.  If you listen to other tennis champions talk about their rivals, it is always with respect.  Unfortunately Federer rarely talks any player to a media as a good player, he mainly likes to talk himself up.

    With that said, from what I understand he is friendly with players off of the court, so its possible it's just his way of maintaing that aura of invincibility about him with the press.  But he does come off arrogant.

  13. Well I duno, he seems ok, like lol

  14. From the outside looking in...he's just very self confident and justifiably so........

  15. He's proud, but he's not arrogant. He works hard. and I think the media just loves to create drama.

  16. He is humble in some ways, arrogant in other ways. He is humble in that he is very friendly and down to earth. But he is arrogant when it comes to taking advice. He (or his fans) don't like when others tell him how to play. That's why he hasn't hired a coach. I dare say that it's hurting him now.

  17. No way! The media is ridiculous.

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