
Do u think for middle schoolers 7:15 is too early to catch a bus?????

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Do u think for middle schoolers 7:15 is too early to catch a bus?????




  1. Yes I did...but they did just fine:) Had to be at the bus stop at 6:55..:(

  2. um no i have to catch my bus at 5:30 thats late for me  

  3. Around here yeah we get on busses at like 8!

  4. no be lucky...I am going to be a high school freshmen (9th grade) and if I want to ride the bus, I have to catch it at like 6am, but my sister will drive me so I don't have to

  5. Yes you should be able to choose your own pick up time--Do you realize the buses need to pick up elementary, middle  and high school. That is why the start times are different. In my district our preschool children get picked up earlier than 7;15. Since you are older, you are expected to be mature enough to handle the 7:15 pick up time.

  6. Nope, that's the same time that my bus used to come. =]

  7. No. Not at all. Most buses around my house run at 6:15 am.

  8. I guess not but from a parent standpoint, with getting dressed teeth brushed and lunch and out the door -- Absolutely! no wonder everyone is sleep deprived. I guess that means no late night tv huh.  lol  

  9. No, not at bit. My school starts at 7:35. (Middle School)

  10. It really depends on how far the school is. When I was in middle school, I had to catch the bus at 6:30 (the school was 45 minutes away). So in your case, I wouldn't think 7:15 is early at all; it's actually kind of late.

  11. No, a lot of people have to get on a bus at 6 or even earlier.

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