
Do u think global warming is a joke?

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I just want to know peoples' opinions on the topic of global warming.




  1. I do believe it is.

  2. isn't a joke as it is taken very seriously.

  3. no. it is not a joke because it is SUCH a scam it cannot be funny.

    To the lady reading discovery magazine and scientific american, realize that these magazines are designed to make you think as you do.

    designed to make you feel the government should do more, therefor the government can propose more and more tax's and penalties for "carbon footprint", making them very rich. and you very poor. Major players and friends of people in government own these magazines. they work together to play you for a fool.

    global warming is a scam.

    watch "the great global warming swindle" or various other movies, available at

    people quickly forget that plants breath  in c02.

    and they breath out o2.

    In a c02 rich atmosphere, plants and fruits can easily grow 2/3x bigger/faster. As the plants themselves have more food to develop with.

    These bigger plants then produce 2x/3x more o2. balancing the situation.

    not to mention, c02 has never even been proven to correspond to temperature.  there is actually more data to suggest that the earth either warms or cool, and this effects the c02 in our atmosphere.

    Also, the sun is more radiant than its ever been, moons which used to be ice around jupiter and saturn are turning to seas.

    global warming is a scam created from nothing for the sole purpose of business and to create another reason for worldwide panic (along with terror)

  4. Is it a issue,yes.

    Is it of great I'mportance to me, No.

    Today is filled with enough trouble, Therefore im going to take one day as they come.

  5. No! global warming is not a joke because the heat temperature

    will be high.Like now a days, here in the Philippines, our heat temperature is 39 degree. I read some articles, it says that its dangerous because in the atmosphere, there is a like a plastic that covers our earth. If it will open, the earth will be burn because of the heat of the sun. I want the smoke belching will be

    decrease especially in manila because they have lots of vehicle that can cause global warming. Also the factory, it can cause global warming.

  6. No

  7. no, but even with all the evidence out there remember to be skeptical.  we still havent proved it inconclusively. for example the ice on the coast of iceland went down 4 feet in one year.  they published that. they also failed to mention that inland, the ice rose by 8 feet.  and theres much more land than coast....either way we need to stop treating the world like **** or we'll all die before we even find out if global warming is what its cracked up to be...but remain skeptical and always look at the sources and basis for the statements by scientists in the news.  its very easy to manipulate facts

  8. it is the burning can be define as burning of a living person.

  9. I think that not believing in global warming is a joke.

  10. I think global warning is the most meaningful issue to let every citizen of this world to know and be part of it. You should watch Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth who won the last year Nobel Prize. I and quite a few concerned persons in Hong Kong think that the Global Warning will soon become the Global Disasters. The following articles may provide you the true information about the pollution and Hong Kong. America is a vast country and Hong Kong is a tiny city.

  11. A joke? It seems like your question is a joke!(No offense.)Global warming is a fact we humans are trying not to pay attention to, that's what it is! This world is going to h**l in a handbag. We have to bear the consequences of what we've done, how we've exploited Nature. There's no one who can stop her now. Deforestation, urbanisation and stuff are leading to so many diseases and complications. We may consider it a joke and laugh now, but we will ultimately have to be consumed by her fury.

  12. Not a joke - it's more like a religion.

    People believe in it in spite of the scientific evidence against it because they know in their hearts that it is true.


    The National Center for Policy Analysis

    Global Warming Primer

    U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007

    Senate Report Debunks "Consensus"

    "A liberal media outlet has acknowledged that global warming may have "taken a breather."

    National Public Radio reports instead of warming up over the past four or five years, oceans have actually been cooling slightly. According to NPR, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has been studying the ocean with a fleet of robotic instruments that can dive 3,000 feet down and measure ocean temperature. Since the "Argo" system was fully deployed in 2003, it has recorded no warming of the global oceans, but rather "slight cooling."

    Marc Morano with the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee says the cooling trend runs contrary to the claims of people promoting manmade global warming fears. But NPR -- which he describes as "an entrenched, liberal, mainstream institution" -- would rather question NASA's data, showing no ocean warming, instead of questioning the models that are predicting catastrophic sea level rise due to supposed global warming, he notes."

    The Sky Is Not Falling

    Holly Fretwell, an economist by training, has done her best to bring some needed critical thinking to the global-warming debate by writing “The Sky’s Not  Falling! -- Why It’s OK to Chill About Global Warming.” Aimed at 8- to 12-year-olds and their parents, it is a good, reasoned, 115-page antidote to the Chicken Little hysteria and propaganda found in the mainstream media and in places like Laurie David’s kids book “The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming.” Fretwell is a research fellow who focuses on natural-resource issues and public-lands management at the free-market Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) in Bozeman, Mont.

    The obsession that liberals have with global warming has gotten so out of hand that they sound like a bunch of mental patients in an asylum.

    Consider for a moment what a clever strategy this is: it’s too cold outside, must be global warming. Too hot? Global warming. Hurricanes? Tornadoes? Floods? Global warming all.

  14. Al Gore is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making millions off of gullable people who buy carbon credits from him so he can enjoy living a lavish lifestyle. His house is near mine and is huge. He has a private jet and many SUVs. Keep getting in line to support this c**p I will continue to live my life and become prospersous as long as the govt does not tax me to take care of you sometime in the future when this fad ends just like the new ice age from the 70s, the ozone hole from the 80s and the end of troopical forrests also from the 80s. This is just a new mission from the radical leftist environmentalist who want the earth to go back to animals and for humans to disappear.

    IT IS A HOAX and a joke at the same time.

    Thumbs down on the way and I do not care it is a badge of honour for me.

  15. Yeah, pretty much.

    You can't really argue with this point:

    If its hotter than normal its global warming.

    If its colder than normal its global warming.

    If its normal temperature than normal its global warming.

    if its global cooling  normal its global warming.

  16. No, I think it is real.

  17. I like it warm.

  18. yea, al gore is laughing his whole way to be the bank

  19. gloal warming -joke? no way. will it be a joke whn earth loses it resources and many people die? i dont think so

    people should take global warming more seriously

  20. All I know is the environment - air, land, sea - is not like this bad 20 years ago. Funny thing is, "it" will be a joke even when the few of us are left standing on a spot somewhere along the Himalayan range (if no lunatic country sets off anything nuclear).

    Joke or not, it is prudent that we as people do the right thing to preserve the environment. Ever wonder why the backalleys in Japan cities are spotless? Now that's a people/culture that the rest of the polluting world can learn from. But I doubt it'll ever happen. Why? Because people from the West are proud and arrogant; the rest are ignorant.

  21. no

    do you?

  22. i think global warming exists but it's not man made

  23. Scientist Implicates Worms in Global Warming

      Jim Frederickson, the research director at the Composting Association has called for data on worms and composting to be re-examined after a German study found that worms produce greenhouse gases 290 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

    Worms are being used commercially to compost organic material and is in preference to putting it into the landfill. The German government wants 45% of all waste to be composted by 2015.

    "Everybody... thinks they can do no harm but they contribute to global warming. People are looking into alternative waste treatments but we have to make sure that we are not jumping from the frying pan into the fire," said Frederickson.

  24. the joke is on we Americans again

  25. A joke? No.  I believe it's a cash cow for many businessmen, who are using media to exploit the real facts to whip up public opinion into a frenzy [which has succeeded so far] so as to  funnel money into their pockets.  It's called propaganda, The Germans used it very well in WW2, and Al Gore and other radical groups are using the same scare tactics today.  

    "The bigger the lie, the more people who will believe it".  [Minister of Propaganda in Berlin during WW2.]

    People just need to stop believing EVERYTHING they see on TV is true, and make their own decisions.

  26. its real.  Climates are changing.  I can feel it.

  27. Not at all. I read both Discover magazine and Scientific American. Both magazines take a pretty harsh stance on the inaction of the current US government.

  28. HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!

    The true science says that it is the Sun that is causing most of the recent warming that we have been hearing about.

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is only accountable for less than 5% of greenhouse gases and we only make about 5% of that. (About 90-95% of Greenhouse Gases is Water Vapor)

    The reason for increased CO2 is because as the oceans become heated, they cannot hold as much as they could if they were cooler, so the oceans release the excess into the atmosphere. From what I hear, the oceans can hold many times more energy and heat then the air. This meaning that the atmosphere should have very little effect on the oceans and that the sun or perhaps the Earth itself is heating up the surface since those are two of the only things that could heat our vast oceans.

    Also, the Earth hasn’t warmed in nearly a decade but has actually fallen and it has fallen greatly within the past 2 years. Many scientists believe we are about to go through another little ice age.

    Many scientists are skeptical about Anthropogenic Global Warming.

    These are some resources:

    Al Gore had a chart in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" that showed the similarities of Carbon Dioxide and temperature. The thing that he doesn't tell you is that there is a gap in which the temperature rises before the CO2 which should be the exact opposite if his theory is correct. Watch “The Great Global Warming Swindle”

    Polar bears are NOT being endangered but actually the exact opposite.

    That is my point of view on the issue and I strongly encourage you to watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" ( all the way through even if you don't want to. It is a great source of information and if you want to know the truth, you need to see both sides of the story.

    Another great resource is

  29. yes

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