
Do u think god is an "appropriate" dinner conversation?

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  1. I think that there are certain situations where it would NOT be alright to talk about God. These situations include dinner interviews, business meetings, dates (before you know the date well), and other situations where you need to make a good impression or you don't know the people you are dining with very well.

    Situations where it would definitely be alright to talk about God would be when you are dining with family, close friends, or members of your Church.

  2. Not at all, unless you are out with a church group.

  3. It depends on how well you know your other diners . . .conversations about religion and politics have a way of getting out of hand.

  4. yes why do you think it is bad?

  5. It depends on the person you're dating.

    Find out first if they are stubborn athiest.

    But in my's importnat to me. I'd bring it up.

    Ease into the conversation and don't be to pushy about it.

  6. Only if BBQd

  7. yes

  8. It depends on the people you are talking with. If you are close to them in relationship, it would be okay probably.

  9. of course it is

  10. God is always apropriate to talk about anytime. Because if it wasn't for God. You wouldn't have the food you eat. The money to buy the food with. The job to make the money. The ambition to get up and go to work to make the money. The air you breathe each morning when you wake up. The soul inside your body to live off of the air. Or even the earth that the restaurant you are eating in. So of course it is always appropriate to talk about God.

  11. Heres my rules....

    Never talk about Sports, Religion or Politicts with freinds, or people who want to make an impression on. Thoses convo's always go in the wrong dirtection...down the pooper

  12. depending on what god topic you are talking about

  13. DUH!!!!!! OF COURSE IT IS!!!!! Its good to talk about God ANYTIME!!!!!!! dont let a stupid dinner date get in the way of your faith

  14. Supper would be better!

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