
Do u think harbhajan behaves well on the field and off the field ? he shudn't have slapped sreesanth ?

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Do u think harbhajan behaves well on the field and off the field ? he shudn't have slapped sreesanth ?




  1. yes harbhajan do very well

    bcz sresanth dnt know how to respect any person and he gave abuses to his seniors

  2. he did wrong

  3. he does not no how to play cricket dat's why he hits people he shuldn't have slapped sree jhe's a gud bowler but not dat he wud slap any one playing is one thing behaving is another thing

  4. Not only that in 2002 he scuffles with police outside a Guwahati hotel. Once upon a time Bhaji also accuse our controversial coach Chappell of "double standard " & "fear of insecurity in team".

    I kind of sympathized with this joker during the Australian controversy but this is the limit - Not only does his tongue, but other parts of his body need to be taught civility - He has shown very poor judgment and maturity and unprofessional attitude repetitively. Maturity is not apologizing afterwards - it is making sure a farce does not happen in the first place.

    There is no place for rowdyism in Cricket teams -

    Regardless of who the player, this is IPL's moment to show strong precedent in its fledgling time to crack whip and rein in such unruly behavior

    Harbhajan must be penalised. Whatever the provocation, I dont think he should have slapped Sreesanth. When Sreesanth's team has lodged a complaint, why is Sreesanth downplaying the incident?

  5. might is right. so u too is right. we should not comment when we dont know the whole matter.

  6. Harbhajjan Singh's behaviour is deplorable. He does not even deserve a place in the Indian team, he is not a good embassador for Indian cricket team

    We all gave the benefit of the doubt to Harbhajjan, on the way he he was treated in Australia, but the way he is carrying himself on a cricket field is totally un acceptable.

    Youvrag Singh said it right, when he said.. "This is really an ugly incident," Yuvraj said, "this is totally unacceptable."

    What he did is even worse that when Shoaib Akhtar did to Muhammad Asif, because that was in the dressing room, not infront of a world wide TV audience

    We dont give much credit to Pakistan Credit Board, but they did put the T20 World Cup campaign at riskand sent back Shoaib Akhtar, immediately, banned him from 6 matches and fined his 3.40 million Pakistani Rupees...We need to wait how:

    1. BCCI will react to this incident; and

    2. ICC will react, since this is a ICC sanctioned and recognized event

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