
Do u think he can tell I'm interested?

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Went on 3 dates with this guy I met on eharmony. We're both a little shy though and in our late 20's. I've been to his place twice and we've just sat together on the couch, but not really touching. Sometimes I'll send a text that says I just wanted to say hi. He does the same. We haven't kissed yet but everytime the date ends I give him a hug. But after the hug I turn around, look down and head to my car. Then look back and smile and say bye.

Am I giving him signs that I'm interested in being more than friends? I'm definitely interested in more than friends but I'm very shy. Do u think he can tell?




  1. Why dont you kiss him.

    He will not reject you, he will be incredibly relieved.

    I'm surprised you went to his place and sat on the couch and didn't kiss.

    Your apprently throwing out mixed signals, and its confusing him a little and hes not sure when to make his move.

    So your going to have to do it.

    Get a few drinks in you both, loosen up.

  2. Get  off your butt and go ask him yourself

  3. Ahh yes, these things can be hard.

    Speaking from a guy's perspective, we have a harder time dealing with the "subtle" signs you are speaking of; although their meaning might be clear we often need to have some dialogue to back it up before accepting it.

    I would suggest a neutral setting would be better than either of your homes for future early dates. Try to pick something fun and yet something that gives ample opportunity to speak about things. Try to avoid movies or anything where you can't talk.

    Sooner or later as you become comfortable talking to each other the conversation will turn to more intimate topics.  Good luck!

  4. Kiss him on the cheek when you hug. That's a good sign

  5. Yes,but he probably just doesn't know what to do with you.

  6. Oh! How can you possibly expect the guy to ask you out? You go to his place,sit on the couch and then leave without even a kiss on the cheek?????

    The poor guy probably doesn't even know you like him in that way..........he might even give up on you if you keep going like this....

    You've got to let him KNOW ....give him some sort of hint........Like, for instance,don't just text him and be all,"I just wanted to say hi!",you could say THAT to any old a bit more specific towards him,maybe you could start texting him good mornings messages every morning...because,you know,a good morning message doesn't just mean "good morning",it has a silent message hidden,which says, "I remember you when I wake up!!"

    I guarantee you,that will put a smile on his face,and he'll,wouldn't it be nice to wake up each morning and find a little message from him in your phone?!

    Flirt a little,even over the phone,it doesn't hurt anybody...........and might i suggest that instead of making your dates at either of your places.....that you should probably go to a place where you can actually have fun and TALK!Maybe to a park or out for a burger even....make it simple.....

  7. Well it sounds like you're both shy. Try giving him a kiss on the cheek next time. One of you will have to make the first move eventually. Maybe things will move forward from there. Good luck!

  8. Guys can be kind of dumb. No offence to the male gender, but they dont always pick up on the signal girls throw out. If i were him, I would be a little confused, your giving mixed signals. I know you dont mean too, it is just because you are shy, but he might not see it that way. Going to his place makes him think your interested, but hugging him and then leaving might throws him for a loop. Then texting hi might make him think of you more as the girl next door. Instead of hugging him goodbye, kiss him on the cheek. Its not that big of a leap, but at least he knows you actually want to get close to him. Insead of turning around and say bye bye, say I had fun, or can't wait to see you again, or even see you later! That way hes more prone to calling you again. And instead of texting him just to say hi, text him to see how hes doing, or WHat hes doing. You need to get a little more personal, just to ensure hes getting the right signals.

  9. well someone has to break the ice lean in for the kiss

  10. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. For example, you said that every time you walk down to your car, you turn around, smile, and say bye. The thing is, it could be a friendly bye or a flirty bye. All I can tell you is, if your asking this question you probably need to kick up your flirting a notch.  

  11. yes he can tell

    you're doing fine

  12. time you leave just give him a peck on the cheek, then move up from there...

  13. Depends, some men (like me) need to be, metaphorically, hit over the head with a two by four before we see what should be obvious advances from women

  14. 3 dates and no s*x ? not even a kiss ! ?

    That does not sound very interested to me.

    I personally would be losing interest at this point.

  15. Give him a kiss, other then that he may think you don't even like him.

  16. First, you gotta make sure you match on all 29 dimensions!

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