
Do u think i will get caught :(?

by  |  earlier

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well i had a sh** day today, and after school me and my friends decided to to go to a shopping plaza. We were looking in mobile phone shops, and you know those fake dummy phones on the shelf? Yes, well i took 2 of them, i know its stupid so dont get angry at me!! So, do you think they will go back on the security tape and catch me? Or will they just be like "Oh well, its probably some stupid kid." please answer, thanks. Oh and also, i was in my school uniform so im pretty much screwed if they look a the tape. I guess its just a question of whether they will go back to the tape. They are only those fake phones worth about $5 though! thanks again!




  1. just dont do it again .. and take the phone back its not yours is it ..  

  2. it doesnt matter what they are worth, stealing is stealing, a sin in God's eyes.... you are feeling pretty guilty or you would not have posted.... Return the stolen goods, this is the only way to make up for it. Business owners never just say "its a stupid kid", they will look to make you an example in the community.... pray for forgiveness

  3. I don't hink they are much going to be too concerned about it.But regardless it was wrong of you to take.It didn't belong to you.

  4. why you don't return it back?

  5. I think you need to take it back.  When they require an explination, just keep walking away or blame it on a bad aZZ little brother.  Depending on the owner, he can be cool and not care, or go crazy!  Just give it back.

  6. Two possibilities may happen:

    1) they'll just let that dummy phones because they were just worth $5.


    2) they'll look at the tape and follow you at you school. Worse is when your school head will expel you because even if that thing is worthless still it wasn't yours and you can still be accused as a thief.

    If I were you, you better give them back before anything worst will happen..

  7. no there just fake i did the same thing at a t-mobile store i dont think they would waste time on that silly :)

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