
Do u think im pretty?

by  |  earlier

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please dont say anything mean, it doesnt help me or u.

and it just makes me feel not so great.




  1. you're cute, but you look really young. how old are you?

  2. you're average...

  3. normal, cute

  4. u look young but u r pretty

    i think ur more like cute now cuz u look kinda young but when ur older ull be really pretty.  

  5. Yes

    BTW - Your honesty is refreshing. It seems like the vast majority of girls probably post pictures of themselves asking " Is she pretty ? " claiming ''s not me '

    Glad to see you had the integrity & self-confidence to post this question about yourself.

  6. how old are you? you look like your 12.... not trying to be mean, so for a little girl, your definitely cute. i think then if you did or when you do hit your teens, you will be a very pretty girl, just give it some time! you body still has a lot of growing to do, and so does you mind. pretty soon, you;ll realize that you dont need strangers to tell you how pretty you are! =]

  7. your defentily cute.. a little young thou when u get older youll gett better

  8. yaa i think ur just fine haha : )  and pretty!

    answer mine plzzz;...

  9. You are(:

    But if you want good answers.

    You're gonna have to take better pictures.


  10. ahhh :) i allready know what your problem is [i think ] lol if ppl call you ugly are you?! if people call you pretty are you?!take some time to understand what that meansz

    i can tell you are really young [no older then 15] your a pretty girl sweetie in time you will be a beautiful women!!but you have to know you are b4 any1 else can!! :)

  11. beautiful

  12. average

  13. sure

  14. not as much as you probaly think. sry, but its kinda the truth.  sry again, not tryin to b mean.

  15. make a normal face, then put up a picture. don't take it offensively, but we can't tell if you're pretty when you aren't looking at the camera and you're making faces.

  16. Errm :S

    I like your eyes...

  17. From the first pic, I was going to say that you were ugly, but you look really pretty in the second one
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