
Do u think ipods are good for us?please read detailed question?

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whatever scientific gadgets are being used and developed at fast rate, are they environment friendly?the answer is big no.whatever scientific gadgets we buy after they are spoiled,we just throw in dustbin. the bin pickers (atleast in our city) just assemble it throughout the city and just burn it in a far-off place. chemistry tells us that it releases (co2, co and some harmful gases). it has to remain in atmosphere of earth, it cannot escape in scientific gadget company has recycling plant and they won't come to collect spoiled gadgets from your house either.reason:it will hit their finances really hard, because they have to disintegrate it and find faulty

components and give it back at very low cost. in my opinion, u should not create any gadget which u cannot destroy in an environment- friendly way, otherwise u are posing threat to my country, i don't think there is any proper law for cutting of woods, the result (o2 is becoming low and low) and(co2) is increasing.till date, no other planet has shown sign of oxygen. after some years, what will be u breathe ipods and mobiles and other advanced gadgets.i'm not against use of advanced products but why don't the manufacturers study environmental science and implement it? please answer each part.




  1. It sounds like you already have the answers and are using this format to promulgate your beliefs.  BTW I do know of efforts to collect electronic gadgets for recycling -- there was one in my community recently.  I am totally in agreement with you that the earth should come first, way before profits.  Maybe you can get yourself into a position to do something about it.  We need people with scientific backgrounds and a strong belief in what's really important: survival of this planet we call home.+

  2. wow. are you under the assumption that we can make everything out of biodegradable products. are you really stupid enough to think the solution is that simple? if your so against harmful products, throw away your computer and do the environment and us a big favor.

    and no, your oxygen supply isnt getting to low. thats nearly impossible. who ever told you that is full of ****.

  3. i don't think that they're bad persay.. but to charge them you have to use energy from your computer... also the earpieces kill hearing cells... they are magnetic and that kills kills cells in your ear... so it has a high chance of lowring your hearing

  4. whatever.

    global warming is whack.


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