
Do u think iraq has secret allies?

by  |  earlier

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i found this pic on a iraqi government website i stumble accross.

we better watch our backs!




  1. Decode this lyrics " Rock the boat"

    Look in the real world.

    Trace it back in the newsprints and on TV newsreels.

    After Desert Storm.

    It begun from there.

    During the Iraq war.

    King midas with the golden touch and numb fingers was passing by.

    Revelation 16.14

    After poor old Saddam left with time.

    Mr. Goldfiner crept out in time too.

    Luke 23.34-43

    The mystery of TRxx

    Matt 7.15-27

    With the rise of twin golden triangles in town.

    Matt 27.29,37

    What do you think?

  2. Naw Iran is helping the insurgents and Terrorist there

    Oh its a joke, the War on terrorism is not a joke

    Picture is kinda funny

  3. Im with this huge secret organization that i cant tell you any more about without killing you....still cant tell ya - just kill you..

    Anyways regarding this special breed of 'rodent gunners' and 'kamikaze pests (results of depression)' posed a threat for about six seconds before they were eliminated by mistake U.S. and coalition forces were running towards a retreating enemy they crushed them with their desert wasnt found out until afterwards while surveying the site that their were present in the battle.

    The organization, about twelve seconds later, wsa completely dismantled and several prisoners of war were taken in, the rest killed in...combat? Sure you can call it that. Moving on, the POWs were then taken to a remote island and forced to live their lifes in solitude. That failed when a dog swam ashore and eliminated the population. He has since then starved to death and been awarded a proper burial. Believe it or not, the leader of this vertically challenged critter faction was a siamese cat. He was overthrown.


  4. cool.

  5. If they have they are pretty anonymous. Other wise the coalition of the willing would not have lasted as long as it has though seems to be crumbling now under the guise of Iraqi army and police are trained I wonder if it was worth it to the American government. Telling their nationals so many lies oh sorry untruths. Hope it answers your question.


    this is also from that website....

  7. LMAO! awww  

  8. All Muslim countries are secret allies of Iraq.Their common enemy is USA.The terrorism around the world is supported by them.Even some of the Asian countries like India,China ,Pakistan are sympathisers of Iraq,though they are not Muslim countries.

  9. EEK. Whaere is the trigger on that SAW? And what is that.... like .000556 milimeter ammo?

  10. haha Iraqi animals and and Iraqi fauna will eliminate all of us (Britons and Americans)

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