
Do u think it be a good idea 4 Henry 2 Continue 2 Coach the All Black & for Deans to Coach the World Cup team?

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NZ has so much depth in the Coaching department and although Graham failed to delivery, I do feel Graham Henry and his team of coaches is a huge asset to the development of All Black Players.

The All Blacks Coaching job has to be one of the toughest jobs and given the performances and records of the pass World Cups, would it be a good idea to have a Coach specialised in this one area?

In my opinion the All Blacks will have to take their performances to another level, taking the pressure of Robbie Deans and allowing him to concentrate on who he would like for his World Cup team.




  1. Henry!!

    Regardless of what happened in the world cup....he is still the man for the job!

    WHY?? History speaks for itself. Scrapping the coach after a world cup dont make the AB's in four years time win the world cup! John Hart and John Mitchell are good examples of this. Axing a coach because of cup failure doesnt change what happens in the future! Truth is, maybe if they hold on to the current coach and allow him to learn from his mistakes this time round, we may just have a chance of winning that cup next time! Especially now that is in our own back yard in 2011.

    But I would like to see some changes on how things should run in the AB environment. Like get rid of the reconditioning program. That has prooven useless hasnt it, players are still getting injured regardless. We have no control over that factor!

    All i've seen out of the program is that players are rusty. Give them heaps of gametime to gel with each other, and play lots of rugby. The players themselves shouldnt complain about too much rugby, as far as i'm concern, its a professional game! Besides, they get paid pretty well to be on my tv set, I dont see whats the problem! Harden up!

    But yeah, alot must be looked at. Alot of changes must be made as to how things are running in the AB enviroment! Keep the Coach tho!

  2. I think the problem would be that Graham Henry and Robbie Deans both have very different coaching styles.  Getting Graham Henry to coach one way and then expecting the players to just change in a RWC year would be difficult.

    Both coaches have been very successful in their own styles so I dont think either would be willing to change to suit the other.  

    I think that either one is good enough to take NZ to the next RWC, then it is down to taking each game as it comes.

  3. Henry and co should be kept on for the next 2 yrs at least,let Robbie go over to the Aussie job for the experience.Unlike Henry he has time on his side and he will be a better coach for it.There is no doubts that he will come back to NZ as he is a loyal Kiwi,but where else can you go for the experience of coaching at the very top.I feel it would be a tragedy for Robbie if he were to fail again with the All Blacks,his career as an international coach will be over as he would have been a failure twice with the ABs(although he was only assistant to Mitchell).We will win the Cup in 2011 because it is in NZ.The real test will be winning it outside of NZ and Robbie is the man..Let him try things out with the Aussies and then bring that experience back for the 2015 RWC campaign..

  4. Yeah i dont know what they are going to do. I mean NZ was pretty unlucky this year and if they won that Game we would have had a real final on our hands. But i think they should give Deans the team and two years before the RWC draft in Henry. Go Bokke

  5. There is no doubt in my mind that Henry has to be given the  archer! Hit the road Henry and dont you come back no more no more! Now that I have ruined a perfectly good song of Ray Charles, my reasons for Henry being given the flick are:

    I quote "Judge me on the WC" , he said, he took 22 players out of the Super 14, none of the ABs had more than 4 games with each other in a year, Rotation failed in every aspect, players who signed contacts to go overseas ie Hayman, Kellogher, and Jack had their eye on the Euro, not on the WC. Also picking players who were injury prone, Robertson, Smith and Carter to name a few. What happened to  a plan B and C.

    Last but certainly not least, playing people out of position!

      Why Robbie should get the job! Just look at the above comments on Henry, Robbie will do exactly the opposite (that should be reason enough right there!) to give him the job!

  6. New Zealand should stick with Henry, give the man a change. The All Blacks is a fantastic team and to drop Henry now is going to be disastrous for NZ. Okay so they lost against the french in the rwc, still they are the most successful tri nations team. To win a world cup is something special and I am sure NZ will still win many more and especially in 2011 in NZ. Leave the man in charge and NZ will win the next RWC. Look what happened to the Springboks over the last couple of years, they stickied with White and see the result. To chop and change is no good. After all the competition is huge out there.

  7. stupid suggestion.both coaches have different coaching styles and playing patterns. it would only confuse the players.also 50 ex all blacks say henry should go.including fred allen,kirky,buck.mackie,stan meads,fergie.etc.

  8. Nah enough is enough with Graham Henry. Let him retired . Deans will be the best to coach the ABS

  9. yeah look at history we lose the rwc we sack the coach, than we lose the next one. history reapeating it self so lets not sack Henry.

    we should let the islanders go so they can play for there country.

    sorry Deans you  wont get my vote. but some one who would is GT (Gordon Tietjens) now b4 you get up in my face and say its a different game and all. in 15s the idea is to score the most pts. 7s the idea is to score the most pts, same game. lol. year after year after year he takes a bunch of no bodies and by the end of the year they are somebodies, and his team wins the cup year after year. GT is the man. He knows how to build a team a world champ team, and in a short space of time. its not so much that the players r great but GT teachs them to work togeter.

    yeah the job is tough.

    you would get more ppl voting for the ab coach than the priminster of nz lol.

    well i am looking to the super 14 and these 6 new rule

    bless ya all

  10. graham henry should coach the all blacks

    deans will bring that boring slow canterbury rugby

    the flaw with graham henry is that he was to conservitave at that world cup  and woo whoever you are i played rugby at school was a roller mills er mills rep then an auckland rep auckland u-15,u-16,and then a two years in the schoolboy teams so yes i was a rep for four years you idiot

  11. I definitely think Henry should keep the top job for the next four years.  He's an utter genius, although he did make a few mistakes (leaving mauger and jack off the field).  That being said, i don't want Robbie Deans to go to Australia because he too is an exceptional coaching mind, so it would be great if we could score the two of them.  However, that may be a pipe dream, so i would still keep Henry

  12. I doubt it would really be an option, Deans is gone if he doesn't get it, I think he's made that clear, he won't wait around for two years, it's get him now or maybe never.

    I doubt Henry would be an assistant to Deans and probably visa versa.

    Although their selection policy might not be as different as some people seem to think.

    Because despite all this Hysteria about their being to many Cantabs in the AB's under Mitchell and Deans, if you look at the team that played in the 2003 semi against Aussie, it's actually not all that different to teams Henry has been putting out, of the 19 player that went on the field on that game only 9 were from Canterbury, not even 50%, so it shows how over blown the whole anti Cantab thing is, many a time there has been about 80% Aucklanders in the team.

    But I think give whoever gets it the full 4 years, I just don't see Henry lasting for 4 more years, and didn't he mention he only wants to go for 2 years anyway, he'd be 65 for 2011, that's certainly getting up there for age, he had his go, he said he won't do anything different, so simply we would lose again under him.

    I think Deans is a great option as coach, I can't believe people can't see that.

  13. Wayne Smith was responisble for the flat backline...

    fair point but would Deans be happy to work with a team Henry picks? or would he prefer the cantablacks

  14. No, whats the point in that? Henry is a has-been and should be letting someone else try and make a better job of coaching the ABs

  15. 1. Keep Graham Henry!

    2. Dump all of the AllBlacks that failed to perform. We lost because of the players, not the coach.

  16. No bad idea.  You have also described Robbie Deans as a selector not a coach.

    As every coach is different with ideas, plays and general strategy they need time to adapt the players to the game they want them to play.

    Do we all remember John Mitchell's, we will score trys and not worry about the kicking?

    Henry should stay.  I dont think he was at fault for the shambles in Cardiff.

    Robbie Deans is very very good but is he good enough to coach the AB'S?  I dont think so.

    Remember he was the one trying the flat backline attack with Micthell and it didnt work.

  17. Woonoel1, John D and WW have said it all. Stick with Graham Henry.

  18. I see your point and I understand where you are coming from. It would be great to have them both, but I can’t see this happening. If Henry was to continue as All Blacks Coach, Deans definitely won’t make it easy for him to winning the World Cup 2011. Both Coaches are very good coaches, but the decision of who is going to coach the All Blacks for 2011 in my opinion would have to go to Deans. This would eliminate any major threat or backlash regarding Deans unless Graham chooses to Coach the Australians. For the great of Rugby in the Southern Hemisphere I would love to see Deans Coach the All Blacks and Graham Henry Coach Samoa.

  19. No,I think Henry is cable of carry on the good job he has done for four years.

    Remember, it`s not coaches`s fault, it`s the players they did not perform very well.

    I don`t like Laurie Maine's & x-50 All Blacks stated on Sunday news yesterday.

    NZ All Black has to change their way of treating Samoan players in this country.

    I honestly beleived that this is carry on, no matter who`s going to coach the A/B.

    God is the creator of world.The NZRU must allow pacific island players to represent their country of birth.

    God knows every body including NZRU.

    Graham Harry has appoited the first pacific island to captain the A/B.

    Robbie Dean should go oversea to get experience before he coaches the A/B.

    Please re-select Graham Henry to be coach to look beyond everybody in this country.



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