
Do u think its right to take away a cell phone if ur child made a D and an F on the Interim Report??

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Ok i made a D and a F on my interim report card which doesnt count against u or anything jus shows how good your are doin in school but i try my best in class and work as hard as i can to try to understand what the teacher is understanding but i still get my cell phone taken away it that Far????




  1. Absolutely. A cell phone is a luxury not a necessity. Get your grades up, get your phone's 100% your decision. Make it happen.

  2. i would do more than take away a cell phone.  my kid would lose all privileges including cell phone, phone, tv, going places with friends...everything except school until they brought up their grades.  consider yourself lucky.

  3. Well it depends on how strict your parents are. Also if you don't understand the teacher, ask the teacher if u can stay after with him/her. And get help because you don't understand. Or you can just ask in class. Also Don't be embarrassed to ask questions, it may help you in the long run.

  4. LOL...why does every child/teen think they have to have a cell phone!! You should count yourself lucky that your parents care about your grades. You know a good way to prove that you are reponsible enough for a cell phone would be to ask them for help with your homework....have one of them sit down with you. Communicate with them. And get your grades up. Your job as a child is to go to school and learn how to be a responsible adult. Oh and when my daughter brought home a D and 2 Fs on her midterm report, she lost her usage...T.V. and phone privedges for the rest of the quarter.

  5. Yes its fair! Cell Phones are a privilege not a necessity!  Education is very important ....just ask a person who can't read, write or get a decent job because they failed to do good in school.

    You should feel very blessed to have parents who for one would give you a cell phone to begin with and most importantly care enough about you to want you to SUCCEED and be EDUCATED! It's for your future and well being! You might be mad or even hate them right now, but you'll Thank them in the future!


  7. I think it is fair. When your trying to study and pick up those grades it won't help you when your phone is going off hook with text messages and calls. You should be grateful that the phone wasn't taken from you for the whole year. I'm pretty sure if you pick up the grades that are down you'll get it back. I also think your parents are trying to assure that your grades won't be d's or f's for when they really count against you. You know trying to caatch it early.

  8. That sounds about right to me.  I've done the same thing with my kids.  Having a cellphone is a privilege, not a right.  Going to school is your job.  You don't do your job, you don't get to enjoy the privileges.  

    Sounds like you've got work to do.

  9. i don't think it is ever right for a parent to take away a cell phone. i mean, yeah they are paying for it and all..but a cellphone is like as important as food and shelter!! haha.  seriously a social life is important. what parents should be doing is helping you with your HW instead of making you miserable with no phone and still not understanding your HW. tell them they are being bad parents by not being there to help you study when you need it!

  10. NOOOO! interim reports should mean nothing, just try hard for a good grade on the report card. that is nonsence to take a cell phone away for that but i could understand if it was a report card,,  but not an interim report!! so not fair at all. sounds like wat happened to me i couldnt get on the comp. for a week cause i got a B a freakin B!!!rrrr...evil hope i helped i feel for ya!

  11. Only fair if the parents are doing their part to make sure you are doing what you need to understand the material.  The teachers in the US are so terrible they couldn't care less if you pass or fail as long as they stand there and teach and get a check.  You would not believe the things teachers in Japan will do to make sure every student is doing well.  If you have trouble you need to tell your teacher and if they do nothing then tell your parents that they need to talk to the school.

  12. You're lucky you have a cell phone at all.

    And yes, interim grades count. It may not be your final grade, but the work you have done thus far in the semester counts toward your end grade. Your final grades will be terrible if you don't get it together and do the work. You should be happy that you just lost your cell phone. If you were my kid, I'd enroll you in summer school as well.

  13. Wow, you ask this question as if a cell phone is a neccessity instead of a privilege. Just the simple fact that you are thinking it isn't fair, shows that you have more problems than making bad grades. I can only sympathize for your parents.

  14. Even if you were an A student your do not need nor should you be expected to be given a cell phone by your parents simply because you exist. You need to stop your text messaging and improve your writing skills. Your parents are fair, not Far.

  15. I would take the phone until the grades improved.

  16. Yes, grades come first, then cell phone.

  17. When I was in highschool my parents took interim reports just as seriously as report cards. If I was doing poorly I lost possesions and priveleges even though it was just an update. So I sympathize with you but now that I am a parent myself, I do the same thing to my daughter. But if you really are trying your hardest and just not understanding what is going on I would talk to your teacher and explain to them that you are trying your absolute best but you just don't get it. Find out if they can take some time before or after school to work with you on getting up to speed, or if they can recommend another student that could help you. Then talk to your parents and tell them that even though your grades don't show it you really are trying your best and you have talked to the teacher about getting extra help. Maybe once they see how hard you are trying they will give you back your phone. If not you will have to work very hard until your report card comes out. I know it sucks but if that is what it takes to get you to talk to your teacher about extra help well then that's what you have to do.

  18. i think its fair, bc if you really want it back, u will stay later after school to get the help you really need to understand what ur learning in school.

    dont act like one of those bratty kids who complain bc they dont have their cell phones, your parents are trying to teach you a lesson...say you were a parent and your kid wasnt doing too well in school, what would you do? prolly the same thing, so stop complaining.

  19. I think it is fair if you are doing that bad right now no matter how hard you work then you are spending way to much time on something and are not studying enough. You know if you do all your home work you would be making a C?

    Your lucky it was just your phone if i were still in school and doing that bad I would be grounded till I brought it up and that takes while. When I say grounded that meant no TV, no going out, And spending weekends stuck in my room bored out of my mind so consider how lucky you are. Try bringing one of them up to get your phone back and  the report may not count agaist you and  that is what you are getting now which if you don't work harder it will be on your record and you report card

  20. Yes it is, till you get the grades up.

  21. yea it well motivate them to earn it back and its maybe the prob to that they r talking and txting to much to get them off track?

  22. Why is that NOT fair?

    You obviously need more time for studies, and less distractions.

    Do you pay for the phone?

    Do you pay rent?

    Grow up, get a job, support yourself, then talk about fair.

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