
Do u think its weird for a 16 yr. old boy that loves to wear pampers underjams or any other brand of diapers?

by  |  earlier

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I've worn them for a year now and i love it.




  1. Hm well its different, but i guess its your choice.

    And if people are ignorant because of it, ignor them like i say your choice.

    Maybe its a fetsih of yours x

  2. well. i actually thought my cousin was a bit old for wearing diapers and she is 7. But she only wheres them because she wets the bed....if you wet the bed thennn yeaa i guess its okayy? but any other reason thats strangee.. not very normal but its your choice!

  3. WOW

    u need to go see a doctar thats really abnormal

    but ya every girl has a think for a guy in pampers



  4. yes i think it is weird and deviant behavior.

  5. thats wierd

  6. ya

  7. Ummmmmmmmmmm yes, strange

  8. It is known as a fetish associated with paraphilic infantilism and there is nothing wrong with it. It is a personal preference and levels of eroticism will vary.

  9. not at all you should try the site there are loads of diaper wearers on there i have been wearing for years and think its great carry on wearing.

  10. Personally, it is kind of weird but if u love it then go right ahead. its not like anyones gonna find out. plus, it keeps you warm and also prevetns any inccidents. lol

  11. thats weird

    do u wet the bed

  12. Um, yes. But, I guess you're kinda preparing yourself for depends when you get older?

  13. yea i think its a lil wierd

  14. everybody has a fetish

  15. Yes.

  16. Cool.

    What a troll.

  17. its notnormal

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