
Do u think its wierd for a girl to play football and other sports???

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Do u think its wierd for a girl to play football and other sports???




  1. Of course, they should be chained to the kitchen sink whilst the man watches sport...

    What a bizzare question...why would it be weird a girl playing football or sports for that fact? Goodness gracious what will they come up with next? Men playing netball....oooh, wait a sec...

  2. Is it weird for a man to play football? The answer is NO. I myself had played many sports in High School and in doing so I had a female friend who wanted to play Football and join the Wrestling team. Alot of the guys thought it to be wrong but I encouraged her to join if she felt like it. To the surprise of many not including myself she was good in both sports and even lettered in wrestling. She held her own ground and thanks too her my younger sister did the same. So if a person no matter what race, gender, or if they have any physical disability's they should not be discouraged to play sports or anything in general

  3. No! i love sport but im a girly girl still. i do Athletics, have played netball, soccer, softball, teeball, basketball, touch football, rugby, crosscountry, cricket, volleyball and swimming. sport is awesome. cant wait till the olympics starts ill be watching it but if its on at the same time as the AFL then im watching the footy. Go PIES!

  4. Absolutely not.

    I think it's awesome.

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