
Do u think life is supposed to be fun and games or hard work and no fun?

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if you answer this question can you also tell me if you think that everything hap-pends for a reason




  1. You should read The Alchemist :) That may answer a lot of your questions!

  2. life is meant to be nothing, life simply is. no i do not belive in determenism

  3. For me life is a lot of hard work and sometimes little fun.

    Everything happens for a reason.

  4. Balance has always been essential in every aspect of our universe. Nothing is black or white, just shades of gray. Life is whatever you make of it, but its never just one or the other. Idealistically it should be hard work AND fun

    No, i dont think everything happens for a reason, but i believe everything that does happen can be explained to some degree, it's just that often we lack the resources and knowledge to give a good explanation.

    If you're talking about the physical world, then ya, everything does happend for a reason, it's simply cause and effect.

  5. why does it rain some days and not on others?

  6. i think life is supposed to be fun and hard work

  7. Life , in its fullness, is (supposed) to be  happy. To be happy is the very natural way . How  one wants to get that happiness is left entirely to the individual. Some get by simply working hard, some by climbing mountains , some by devoting their time helping the others and ... some by simply having Nintendo games and coldstone icecreams. The choice is theirs.

    This .... this individual idea of what is happiness ..... happens for  a reason.

  8. I think life should be about fun and games and living it fully. With the world we live in we have to work hard to get somewhere and that does not leave much time for fun and games. I think it's very important that we have fun and games in our lives. The old saying "you only live once" should be taken into consideration a lot more in our lives so we do have more fun.

    Yes, I do believe that things happen for a reason, although I many times I can never understand for what reason something has happened, there must be a reason, I know that sometimes something happens that I am not happy about but in the long run it's probably the best thing.

    Nothing by chance!

  9. Stupid.

  10. life is supposed to be balanced, not too much work not too much play.

  11. A healthy combination of the two.

    Too much of either is a toxic concoction.

    I know everything happens for a reason.

    My not always comprehending why they happen doesn't

    cancel out the reason for it having to take place.

    Selfish, greedy, envious, proud, ruthless/obnoxious, vain

    and vindictive people are usually the reason behind

    most terms of all the ugliness that's in this world.


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